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Arthur didn't understand why Dutch was so dead set on robbing that one last stagecoach. The sun was starting to set and everyone were tired and cold, wanting nothing more than to get back to camp and eat some food.

Sean was crouched between him and Bill, whining about his legs falling off if 'that damn coach aint showing up soon' though Arthur found himself agreeing with the Irishman he still didn't want to hear it.

"Sean I swear if you don't stop your whining I'll cut them legs off for you!" the man in question put his hands up in surrender and quietly adjusted his position once more trying to get comfortable. Arthur wanted to comment on the comically frightened look in the younger mans eyes but found his attention pulled towards the distant sound of hooves and wheels.

Barely two minutes passed before the stagecoach came into view, looking over to the trees on the other side of the small road Arthur watched Dutch intensely, waiting for the signal to move. It was only the smallest of hand gestures that told him the time had come. Tapping Sean's shoulder, who in tur tapped Bill's, they left their hiding spot, pulled up their bandanas and quietly moved onto the road right behind the fancy looking wagon.

"I suggest you put your hands up and surrender your goods gentlemen" Dutch's voice cut through the air.

"Sir we-we aint got nothing you want!" one of the people aboard stammered.

"Now THAT I just don't believe, no one goes out at this time of day without a good reason. So why don't you two climb down here and stand over to the side with my red headed friend over there" Dutch motioned towards Sean "and we'll have a look in that fancy wagon of yours."

Arthur could hear them quickly stumble down and saw as they moved over to the side where Sean waited with his gun ready in case of an attempted escape. At the sound of Dutch's whistle he and Bill went through every nook and cranny. They found nothing spectacular to begin with but after hammering his hands all over the stagecoach Dutch let out a triumphant chuckle and opened a hidden hatch in the floor. He started pulling out bag after bag filled with everything from expensive furs, jewelry and perfumes.

Now all of those things were great, they could be sold off and earn them a pretty penny but it was the numerous bottles of whiskey that got the boys hooting victoriously.

Maybe that extra hour of work had been worth it after all.


Blue had no idea where she was, the sun had disappeared behind the trees a while ago and their trunks now loomed over her like giants. Her short legs trudged on even though they hurt, her bare feet bleeding from stepping on sharp rocks and sticks.

Normally she enjoyed the woods, she felt safer there, but the dark scared her, bad things happens when no one cans see and no one can hear... She wasn't one to cry easily, though just at the tender age of almost 7 she had long ago been forced to give up the childish side of her that wanted to cry when things went wrong. Right at that moment, however, she couldn't help it. Blue let them freely run down her cheeks collecting at her chin to eventually hitting the moss covered ground.

She wanted to scream out for someone, even if that someone turned out to be bad she just wanted to see another face, but she knew it was foolish. Even if someone did hear her, which was unlikely, they had no reason to help her and who knew what they would do to someone like her.

Making her way through some bushes she tumbled down a little slope and landed face first on a gravel road. The skin on her hands and knees now bloodied and bruised. Sitting up slowly she studied the patches of red forming on her pants, fearing the punishment she would receive upon her return for ruining them. An old cut had opened up through her right brow, the blood slowly making its way down her face, stinging her eyes.

Sitting there on the road she didn't realize someone was heading her way until a deep voice rang through the air

"What's that? Up ahead on the road?" quickly Blue snapped her head towards the voice seeing four big men of even bigger horses. She panicked, every thought of wanting to see another face was gone the moment she laid eyes on them.

Scrambling to her feet she hurriedly climbed her way up the slope she'd just come down from, diving straight back into the bushes, hoping they wouldn't bother to get her out of there. She could see them through leaves as they slowed down, one of them getting of his horse.

"That, Bill, was a kid and a scared one at that" the man said, carefully making his way closer to the slope giving the girl a good look, his well-kept hair and fancy clothes made him look rich but the gun at his hip and the men around him spoke of trouble.

"You okay there kid?" his voice was calm and soothing, Blue found herself wanting to answer but thought better of it.

"What should we do Dutch, we can't just leave it like that" another man reasoned as he too slipped of his horse, he was taller than the first man, rougher and dirtier...

"Of course we won't, I bet she's just scared. Get of your horses boys, you look intimidating enough as it is" the last two of the men did as they were told "now kid, how about you come out of there so we can get you home to your mama and papa I bet they're worried"

Blue still didn't move, her eyes shut tightly, wishing she'd never gone out that morning. She could hear movement below and to her horror realized someone was making their way up the slope.

Panic once again bubbled up in her chest and she started crawling through the leaves and thorns of the bushes to get away. Coming out on the other side she got ready to run but found herself being lifted into the air by a set of strong arms. Thrashing around and prying on the fingers that came around her waist she did everything to get away, tears streaming down her face.

"Calm down kid! I aint gonna hurt you!" she didn't believe him "Let go!" she whimpered.

"If you just CALM DOWN I'll put you down, Okay?" Blue stopped wriggling but kept on trying to pry his hands off of her.


"There we go" Arthur said as he let the girl's feet back to the ground. Turning her around so that she was now facing him he kept his hands on her shoulders, making sure she didn't run.

Though it was night by now the moon shone through the trees illuminating her young face. She kept her eyes tightly shut, her lips trembling. There was a deep cut running vertically through her right eyebrow, blood smeared over her pale skin.

Crouching down to her level Arthur carefully looked the rest of her over, scanning her bloodied hands and the red seeping through her fabric at the knees. She didn't have any shoes either and her feet looked painful, covered in scratches and dried blood. What could possibly have happened to this girl to get her into this condition?

Sighing he placed a finger under her chin leveling their faces "My name is Arthur Morgan, what's yours?" she was visibly shaking, tears fighting to press out of her closed eyes "hey, I promise no harm will come to you kid, we only want to help you" she gave no answer "just look at me doll, we might look a bit scary but we're all soft inside, you have my word" this seemed to do the trick as her eyes fluttered open and Arthur was met with the most peculiar eyes he'd ever seen.

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