13 1 0

Pixie: 21
Dawna: 24

And in the end
I'd do it all again
I think you're my best friend
Fall Out Boy; Kids aren't alright

The dotted woman was very nervous as she entered the pup, greeting the concierge that was smoking a cigarette at the door.

'Good evening, my Lady Pixie,' the man spoke while bowing his head. Pixie recognised the man immediately.

A laugh left her lips as she rolled her dark eyes. 'Oom* Martin, it's so good to see you. How are you?'

Her oom simply smiled at her before pulling her smaller frame in a hug. 'I'm great, never been better. Businesses are booming, apparently everyone needs soap these days.'

'Or they simply like yours too much, don't be so humble,' the raven-haired woman spoke, breaking the hug. 'Has everyone arrived yet?'

'Most have, they were all waiting for you as far as I can tell. Do you have any news worth sharing?'

'I do, actually,' the dotted woman spoke with a whispering voice. 'It's not good news, oom. It's very bad. Someone Lady Delphinium found out about my role in the resistance. Honestly I don't know how long I have until she kills me.'

'What?' he asked with worry in his voice and fire in his eyes. 'We're getting you out of there, tonight if necessary. Schat, you cannot play with your life like this; they will kill you and you know it. If you flee now, we can make sure for you to vanish and chance identities.'

'I knew you were going to say that,' Pixie said with a sad smile on her lips. 'But I can't, oom. This is my mess and I must pay for what I have done. Oma might have been the one that wanted me to join the resistance, but I was the one that continued helping and that eventually accepted the role as leader. I'm the one that created this mess, so Ill be the one that must pay. Running away will only make me look over my shoulder for the rest of my life and I don't want a life like that.'

'Have you told the rest of the family?'

'No, you are the first and only one actually. Someone had to know, and I know that I can trust you not to tell the others. Papa trusted you too, you're his brother so I know that you won't rat me out. Right?'

The man frowned before a sign left his lips and he nodded. 'You can count on me, but I don't think it's clever to hide this from your folks. Their hearts will be broken when you die.'

'Believe me; I know,' Pixie mumbled while swallowing. 'I know and I feel horrible. Tonight, will be the last time for me to speak to the others and I want to make a few things clear before I go out. Hopefully they will continue doing the right thing. Lately Ive been doubting whether the monarchy must come to an end. I really thought that I could make Dawna see the world differently, I really thought that she would help others because of me.'

'Perhaps she would have done all those things,' her oom said. 'If you would have had a little more time.'

'Time isn't the enemy here,' Pixie spoke before opening the door, feeling guilt wash over her once again. 'My bad decisions are.'

The dotted woman did not bother to wait for a response, instead she entered the building and walked straight to the bar where she climbed on and clapped her hands, causing everyone to look up.

'Good evening, everyone!' her voice greeted them, and directly they all came a little closer to the bar.

It was no secret that everyone respected the dotted woman, she was their first female leader and the first that refused to kill the royals, yet everyone listened to her.

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