But they were not there; her auntie, beloved cat and horrible husband were and for now she was forced to settle with that.

It was hours later when the young Princes could feel that something was not right. She had been in labour for around thirteen hours now. All her energy had been drowned out of her body; there was nothing left except for the throbbing pain and the panic that she felt.

'Something is wrong with my baby,' the young Dawna once again stated. In her bones she could feel how her child was struggling to stay alive in her womb, yet no one took her serious.

'Don't worry too much, my Princes. Your baby is fine; these thoughts that you are having are completely natural, most mothers get them.'

The pale girl had no time to think about the stressing feeling in her bones as soon as one of the midwifes stated that it was time for her to push.

The pain had reached its high whereby the little girl no longer felt anything expect for the never-ending aching. Her pushed were nearly not as powerful as anyone in the room had hoped.

However, it was enough to bring the baby into the world. Her husband had hold one of her hands during the process whilst her auntie held the other.

'I can see the head, Princes, keep on pushing. One last push will do the trick.'

The young woman pushed for the last time with all the strength that remained in her. She could feel the baby leave her body, yet there were no beautiful cries.

'Why is my baby not crying?' the Princes demanded. Fear was running through her veins and was combined with a strong feeling of panic.

Throughout the labour, the young woman had known that something was not right; not hearing the cries of her first born only acknowledged her worries.

'Take her away, quickly,' she could hear one of the midwifes say. Soon, their firstborn child was carried out of the room without anyone saying a word.

'Is it a girl?' Dawna asked with panic in her voice. 'Is my baby girl okay? What is going on? Where is she?'

Part of her had just known that her firstborn was a beautiful girl, just like part of her had known that something was off.

Tears were streaming down her chubby cheeks as her blue eyes looked at her aunts desperately.

'Tell me right now what is happening, or you will all hang,' her voice hissed angrily to the midwifes who suddenly seemed to be afraid of the young woman who had just become a mother for the first time.

'Well, Princes,' one started carefully. 'Your baby girl's navel string was twisted around her neck which caused your baby not to have any oxygen during the labour. Normally this is not too much of a problem, but since you have been in labour for roughly fourteen hours we had to act quickly.'

For a moment, Dawna could feel how her heart stopped beating. Many more tears escaped her gorgeous blue eyes as her body started to shake.

'Is she alive? Is my baby alive?'

No one answered, simply because no one needed to. There was only a small change that their firstborn had made it. Luck had never been on the young womans side so there was no use in hoping for it now.

Minutes later a nurse entered the room with a small child in her hands. However, the baby was covered in a large, white blanket that made the young woman want to throw up.

'Your majesty, I am sorry to inform you that-'

The rest of her sentence got lost in the tin air as the long Princes could no longer hear them. Her world was spinning and falling apart.

Queen DawnaWhere stories live. Discover now