12. Nicked Meetings

Start from the beginning

Jamie shook her head and Ron is still unresponsive, "I'm sorry, I-, We don't understand."

"Mon le cousin, Draco." The girl repeated slowly, "Draco zays tha' I zhall meet 'im zere."

"Er," Jamie said, she's becoming more and more amazed at the Girl's accent, "You want me to call Malfoy-?"

"Fleur," someone interrupted behind them and it's Malfoy exiting the Potions room. The girl-, Fleur brightened and smiled beautifully, "Je suis, là cousin. n'essayez pas de parler à l'autre, il est une belette et un désespéré."

Jamie's eyes widened at what she just heard. It's Malfoy speaking and talking back with an accent in what sounds like perfect french. Even Ron snapped out of his daze after hearing Malfoy's words.

Fleur chuckled and Jamie narrowed her eyes. By the smug expression in Malfoy's ferrety face, there's no doubt that the prick is talking about them.

"Don't be like zat, Draco. Zey are just trying to 'elp me." Fleur says, still chuckling.

"I can balance the candies of Bertie botts on my tongue in ten minutes!" Ron blurted out of nowhere and they all looked at him. Jamie's jaw dropped a little bit while Malfoy is smirking and visibly holding himself from laughing.

"You really had to share that kind of unusable knowledge to us, Weasley," Malfoy said amusingly, "Although, we appreciated it very much to know that you have a talent for such things. Let's just say that I kind of expected it already from someone that looks just like you."

"I will join the Tournament and I will be the first one to counter the age line out of all people!" Ron blurted out once again with reddened face and Jamie knew that she had to do something. She gripped Ron's arm tightly to shut him up from the embarrassment he's getting himself into.

Malfoy raised one of his eyebrows pointedly, "You will enter the Tournament and counter the age line, Weasley? How are you going to do that?" Malfoy said before his face made a dawning realization and smirked, "Unless... you will do something Illegal within Hogwarts?"

Jamie rolled her eyes and stepped in, "No one's going to do something illegal or whatever it is you're thinking about, Malfoy." Jamie said and Malfoy's smirk didn't waver, "Please, excuse us. Ron here is just being silly."

As they are about to step inside the Room, a hand gripped her forearm and stopped her from walking ahead. Jamie looked to see who it is that stopped her, it's Fleur.

"Wait," Fleur says and pointed something on her forehead, "I've zeen you somewhere and that zcar! I've 'eard a lot about you! You are ze girl who lived, aren't you? I was 'oping to meet you zince I came 'ere!"

Jamie didn't reply as she felt suddenly overwhelmed, but Fleur did not notice this and continued happily.

"You are 'arriet Potter!" Said Fleur, "Draco, isn't 'er ze one you kept telling me all about lazt Zummer?"

Jamie's eyebrows furrowed and the smirk is long gone in Malfoy's face, replaced by something unreadable.

"You got the wrong person, Fleur," Said Malfoy and looked at Jamie with a disgusted look. "I will never talk about this pothead over here, such a waste of ink if I did."

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