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Author's Note: My sister helped me out with this idea she told me "max could have a twin sister named Sadie" and she's going to be mikes girlfriend instead of el and instead of Dustin coming from camp know-where it would max.

Max's POV

Today is the day I'm coming back from camp know-where. I'm really excited about coming back to spend the summer with my friends and my girlfriend El. I miss her so much. Me and her have been talking the whole time while I was gone. Im bringing with me all my cool stuff that I made there. I can't wait to show them Cerebro. A ham radio. The Cadillac of ham radios. But right now I'm in the car with the headset on and trying to reach out to my friends. Even my girlfriend. I'm not sure why she's not answering, I'm in range so they should be able to answer.

"This is Gold Leader returning to base, do you copy? Over" I try it again. "This is Gold Leader returning to base, do you copy? Over" I try again. "I repeat this is Gold Leader returning to base, do you copy? Over" why won't they answer?? Especially my girlfriend? What's going on?? I'll try this one more time or two.

"I repeat this is goddamn Gold Leader-"



"Relax, for goodness sake"

"I'm in range so they should be answering!" If your wondering yes my parents know I have a girlfriend. I just don't understand why they're not answering. This is really upsetting me. God I can't wait to get home. The only thing I want to do is go home and see my friends and my girlfriend. Or just maybe lay down on my bed all day.

"You've been away a whole month max, maybe they just....forgot."

I look out the car window and just sigh. I stop trying to reach out to them since it's basically no use. I take my headset off and lay it around my neck. I just wish I was home already.

-Time Skip-

Finally I get home and go straight to my room and set all my stuff down. And then all of a sudden my skateboard started moving like it had a mind of its own. And then my other skateboard started moving except my sneakers were sitting on top of it and then they started walking along with my skateboards. This is all to weird. I grab the closest thing that was next to me. My backpack that literally had nothing in it. The only thing that was probably in it was a book. A soft cover book. I started walking in the hall with my backpack in my hands scared for my life. After a while my stuff stopped moving once they got in the living room. I was so confused. I bent down setting my bag on the floor picking up one of my shoes and looking towards my skateboards. I was confused as ever. Then I end up hearing footsteps behind me so I stood up and grabbed my backpack from off the ground. Then I heard a "SURPRISE" from all my friends, girlfriend and sister. As I got scared I swung my backpack at Dustin. He fell to ground holding his face groaning but a smile played on his lips, then me sighing in relief with a hand over my chest.

-Time Skip-

I was sitting in my room showing Mike, Will, and my sister Sadie all the stuff I made. First I end up showing them my Forever Clock I made. I gave it to Will which he happily took playing with it for a bit. Then I show them The Slammer. I turn it on showing Mike and Sadie. They both step back a little with Will watching. Next I show them Cerebro. "This is my master piece" I say bending down and grabbing my bag. I zip open my bag while Will sets down the Forever Clock bending down as well. My sister Sadie and Mike doing the same thing. "This is Cerebro. I can talk to my girlfriend whenever and wherever I choose." They sit there for a second and go wide eyed before saying "Girlfriend!?" I just smile and nod. "Yup" I'm so glad she's here. The thing is though, I don't have to set it up because she's already here. After I show them Cerebro I zip my bag back up and push it away under my bed and stand back up. I go back out into the kitchen and Sadie, Mike and Will stay back in my room talking. As I get into the kitchen I see Lucas and Dustin by the counter and Lucas putting an ice pack on Dustin's face.

Lucas's POV

Dustin and I are standing in the kitchen by the counter because max swung her backpack at him. I'm putting an ice pack on his face but he keeps moving his head away. "Can you please stop moving your head away?" I put the ice pack on his face again. He just slightly smiles at me but then turns into a frown. "Any better?" I ask him. "It still hurts" Dustin said. "Well, I mean max did get scared so I kind of understand why she swung her backpack at you" I said removing the ice pack but then I put it back on his face him wincing a little bit in response. "Sorry" I said to him. He shrugged back in response. "It's fine I guess" we just stood in the kitchen. Me attempting to put an ice pack on Dustin's face and him pulling away, wincing every once in a while.

Eleven's POV

I saw max come out of her bedroom, I wanted to run up to her and kiss her. But I didn't. Instead I smiled and waved at her. She kept her gaze at me and smiled and waved back. She started walking towards me. I had butterflies erupting in my stomach. I guess I was too caught up in my thoughts because max was standing right in front of me. She took my hand and led me outside since Mike, Sadie and Will took up Max's bedroom still. But before we went outside max stopped and looked into her room. "Hey, sorry to interrupt this conversation but could you guys not stand in my room. Thanks" then they left into the living room instead of her room. And then we went outside onto her porch. I guess neither one of us knew what to say since we haven't seen each other a whole month, I mean yeah we talked on the walkie's but it was only occasionally, every once in awhile. We just stood on her porch looking at each other. We smiled at each other. She grabbed my waist and slowly but surely moved her hands to the low of my back. I could feel the heat grow from my neck to my face. But I made sure to do the same with my hands and slowly but surely moved them up Max's chest and around her neck, I could of sworn I saw her blush. She is so cute when she blushes. It's adorable. She leaned her forehead against mine. "How was your summer?" She looked me in the eyes while she still had a hold on my waist. I looked her in the eyes and said "it was okay, I missed you while you were gone" a small smile played on her lips. "I missed you too, I missed you so much. I'm glad to have you back in my arms" she pulled me closer to her if that's even possible. There was no gap between us. I felt so safe in her arms I'm glad she's back home.

Hi beautiful people I am back with another chapter and I'm making a second part to this. My sister helped me with this one y'all better be greatful but I love you all so much and I hope u like this one and vote, comment do whatever but have a nice day/night muah 😘😊❤️❤️

Word Count: 1368 words

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