Chapter 14

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    It must have been early morning when we surfaced because it felt like years once the sun started going down. They swerved east, towards the Black River. Though most of the sky was covered by dense, overgrown trees, the sun peeked through small openings, dappling the jungle floor.
    Nya couldn't help but to smile when she looked back, her brother, the one who hated showing his emotions, was holding hands with the person he loved for a long time. Jay was confused, but when Nya nudged her head backwards, the two boys had their hands occupied with weapons.
     Oops. I hope they didn't notice me looking back.
    By the time they decided to settle for the night, it was pitch black. The place they rested in was clear open to the sky, so Nya could see the shining stars up ahead. Way too many to count, but they were still beautiful.
    Everyone else was asleep, except for her and Kai. Nya volunteered to take the first watch but Kai just had trouble sleeping; she always knew that. When they were young, sometimes she'd sleep with her brother, to help her deal with nightmares at night. Multiple times she'd hear him wake up and read a comic, or open the door to get water. Only when he had a rough day did he actually lay down and sleep for the entire night.
    "Stars are beautiful tonight." Kai's comment jolted her away from her thoughts. Kai sat next to her with a red blanket, of course, wrapped around himself.
    "Yeah." she wove her arms around her knees, bringing them up towards her chest in hopes to get warm. She felt a warm cloth draped over her shoulders as Kai slid closer to her side.
    "Y'know, we're lucky to see the stars this bright. People in Ninjago City would never be able to, considering the lights never go out," Kai laid down and put his hands behind his head. Nya copied him, but rested her tired neck on his chest. "makes you kinda think about how lucky we are."
    Nya let a breath out. "Yeah. Makes me appreciate how lucky I was to have you as a brother. Without you, I have no idea where I would be." she could hear the sound of crickets in the background. It was nice; spending time with her brother, relaxing underneath the stars on a peaceful night.
    Kai laughed that sounded like a breath. "And If you weren't in my life, I dunno where I'd be either." Kai twisted Nya's soft, black hair between his fingers.
     "Uh Nya?" he seemed to hesitate, the rhythm of his heart beating faster. She knew it must be serious, because when they had a normal conversation, he usually called her sis.
     "C-can I ask you for... advice?"
     The water ninja turned her head so that her chin rested on top of Kai.
     Her brother took a deep breath before resuming.
     "Erm, it's about Cole..."
      Nya's heart did a little leap. Finally he felt open enough to talk about his feelings.
      Kai recognized Nya's sudden jump of energy and addressed her before continuing. "And please don't start going crazy. It's just a crush okay?"
Nya made a high pitched squeal in the back of her throat while Kai rolled his eyes.
"Sorry bro it's just-" she squealed again, this time rolling over on her side so that she was no longer on top of her brother.
"Nya..." Kai warned through gritted teeth as he looked around, making sure everyone was asleep.
Nya took a deep breath and sat up. "I'm just so happy for you. I mean, Cole's a really good guy, truly he is. I know you both love each other very much, and it's hard for you guys to admit, but it was nice seeing you so happy when you held hands today," Kai opened his mouth to explain himself, propping his elbows against the soft ground, but Nya put her finger to his lips. "and it's not just a crush. It's love."
Kai scrunched his face and stuck his tongue out, but despite the darkness, Nya could sense Kai was blushing. His body temperature rose so that he was practically a human heater (which he kinda is).
      "Oh my gosh Nya that was so cheesy."
The water ninja shrugged. Kai continued.
"I just don't know how I'm gonna to tell him. What if he really doesn't like me back and things get awkward and because of me I ruined our friendship?" her usual confident brother seemed nervous and worried.
      "No, Cole's very understanding. He wouldn't judge others based on small qualities. He makes sure to understand them first."
      Kai mumbled something Nya was unable to hear.
     "I said, that's another reason why I, love him." he paused before saying love. Nya understood how hard it was to admit love, so she was able to sympathize with Kai. Back when Jay and Cole fought for her heart, she couldn't choose which one, but when she did choose Jay, even then it was hard to admit she loved him despite he loved her back.
      "Kai, it's okay to love someone, whether that's your family or someone who isn't."
       The red ninja sighed. "I know. But it's... complicated." Nya snuggled closer to Kai's side, pulling the other half of the blanket over him.
      "It is, but you have to be honest with one another, that is, if you trust him."
       "Which I do." Nya smiled.
       "Then you should talk it out. Actually listen to each other's feelings before jumping to conclusions."
       "I hope you weren't referring to that one time where I interrupted mom and dad to get the reversal blade."
      Nya laughed. "I kinda was."
      "Well I'm getting better, right?"
      "Not really."
       Kai groaned. Nya patted his hand.
"Let's just go to bed and deal with this after our mission. I know it puts a lot of pressure on you."
"K' goodnight sis."
"Good night." and she laid down in her previous position, closing her eyes.

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