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And this year's prom king, winning by a difference of thirty votes is...

Chase Hudson.

The room filled up with applause for the star football player, Chase got on the stage a little bit confused and received the crown, but still, he smiled with pride.

Noen was lost on the white bright smile, he did not think about what was about to come.

"N O E N W A K E U P" Anthony told his best friend when he saw him looking at Chase.

"Oh, sorry, I did not mean to..." Noen replied.

"You totally did mean to".

"Yeah, I did".

As Chase thanked everyone who voted for him, the principal made a step forward to take the mic again.

"And his prom queen, winning by the impressive amount of fifty two votes is..."

"Noen Eubanks" she said disappointed.

The whole room was completely silent the only thing that could be heard were the football team members' laughs, along with a couple of the cheerleaders sobbing for losing.

"I must have heard wrong, yeah it must be that" Noen thought, but his attempts of trying to translate that sentence were brought down when the spotlight pointed at him.

He looked around, Anthony was just as astonished as him, his blood was boiling because of the humiliation his friend was suffering.

Meanwhile, Noen just tried to hold his tears.

Noen covered his face with both hands trying not to cry and ran outside to the schoool's parking lot and sat under a tree to sob.

Anthony came behind him and comforted him with a hug, a warm long hug.

"I-I want to g-go home" Noen stuttered "Can you take me home?" He looked at Anthony with his wet eyes.

"Noen, you see, you are my best friend and... I love you, but I can not do that" Anthony said with pity.

"Huh? Why?" Noen looked back up.

"That would make them win, and make us look like losers, and you are not a loser, so I would say that you should go back there and show who the bigger person is, also, you know who is back there".

The blonde boy blushed.

Noen nodded and fixed his hair a little and wiped his tears. He got up and walked back behind Anthony, with his hands sweating, he was filled with fear.

He decided to be brave and got on the stage, his legs were shaking and he just thought about how ridiculous he looked, he was insecure about everything.

He received a crown and a sash, he looked back at Anthony who made him a sign to wave. He did, he waved like as if he was thankful for this, which he wasn't, but he avoided to look at the brunette boy at all costs.

"And now, our king and... queen, will have their first dance".

Noen's heart started to beat harder as he heard the principal pronounce these words, he was completely nervous, he walked towards Chase and looked down at the floor.

The music started and Noen was shaking, he closed his eyes to avoid any type of contact with Chase, but was afraid to step on his foot and look ridiculous, so he opened his eyes.

The taller boy lifted Noen's chin back up and smiled at him, he just blushed and pretended to be chill, which he couldn't.

"Why is all of this happening to me?" Noen thought "I have tried to be a good person, and I have been nothing but that" he felt the tears coming back, but his thoughts were interrupted by a chanting from the crowd.

"Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss...".

Noen looked afraid, he turned his head around to see Chase approaching him, his legs started shaking, and then...

Everything became black.

Welcome to The Crown Jewels, Coal to Diamond sold to fools


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