Sam Wilson (Falcon) X Hashimoto's!Reader

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(h/c) – hair color

(Y/n) – your name

(f/f) – favorite food

(s/c) – skin color

(e/c) – eye color

Author's Note: I have multiple health issues that is why I am writing these in hopes that people that don't have these issues but similar and or completely different can come together and find comfort. I have Hashimoto's. Hashimoto's is an autoimmune disease that is attacking my thyroid and has side effects of dry skin, skin sensitivity to the sun, hair loss and dry mouth and eyes.

Reader's P.O.V.

I was walking around D.C. with a big sketchy hoody on with the hood up and a baseball cap on my head. The reflective sunglasses on my face seemed to scare people from bothering me as I walked around the city. My dark wash jeans went over the tongue and laces of the sneakers that I wore. I moved through the crowd in hopes of being left alone but that never happens. The shoving of other bodies and the smell of different people almost make me barf, but I don't and slid into an alleyway that was a short cut the monuments and historical district of D.C. As I was walking through the alleyway I was picked up from behind and brought up into the air. I looked down and saw that there is no way I could land safely. As the distance grew in height I scream to not be dropped. Whoever grabbed me expected a scream apparently? In response to the scream my capture tried to antagonized me.

"You thought you could get away that easily?" A random male voice said from behind me. I kept quiet as we went higher. He dropped me onto a random roof, and I tumbled onto my butt when my feet touched the ground.

"Ow! What the heck man?" I finally said as another figure emerged from the shadows in front of me. I guess he didn't hear me as he stalked towards my collapsed figure. He grabbed my hoody collar and brought me to my feet. A gleam of sliver and black was in my field of vision.

"Where is the launch located?" A rough voice interrogated me. I started shaking in the grip of this stranger. The hold getting tighter when I didn't answer fast enough.

"I don't know. I swear I was just trying to go to the Smithsonian!" I squeaked out.

"Hey, Metal man. I think we snagged the wrong person." The voice that grabbed me finally said. My glasses fell off my face and the sudden release caused my hat and hood to come off my head. I stumbled to the ground again. I covered my face with my arms afraid of being hurt as I continued to shake. My (h/c) hair flowed in the breeze that made the air cool. I could feel the burning of my skin as if it was on fire as I tried to cover up my skin from the sun.

"Shut up, bird brain, I am never wrong. This is the person we needed to grab!" The voice argued back.

"This time you are. We are going to be in so much trouble with Steve." He said. He slowly approached me and handed me my glasses and hat back before telling the other guy to search the crowd again and tell Steve the mess up that happened. "Hey, I'm Sam. What's your name?" He asked me as he was crouched down to my level.

"(Y/n). Why did you grab me?" I whispered out. I was nervous because I could see his face but not his eye that were behind the goggles. I could tell if people are trustworthy if I look deep enough into their eyes.

"Well, that's kinda hard to explain. We thought you were someone else that we needed to complete a mission. You are dressed so sketchy like we thought you were them." He explained with as little details as possible. He rubbed the back of his neck as he explained and looked away from my eyes.

"So, who are you anyways? And can I leave?" I asked as I tried to stand up without exposing anymore of my skin. I finally got up and pulled my loose hair into a low ponytail and stuffed it into the collar of the hoody and tugged the baseball cap back on. I looked for my glasses until a fingerless gloved hand handed them to me. "Thanks." I whispered before taking them and putting them on. I then tugged the hood up.

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