Star Lord (Peter Quill) X Chubby!Reader

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(Y/n) - your name
(E/c) - eye color
(H/c) - hair color
(S/t) - skin tone

Peter's P.O.V.

After the snap and losing Gamora, the Guardians broke up like a 90's boy band. After the depression phase I started to take care of myself. That beer belly? Gone. I started to do solo missions regarding anything that pays well. Most of these gigs are bounties but beggars can't be choosers. I was currently on a bounty when I ran into someone literally. We collided into each other at full force. I crashed into a person in full armor including a helmet. I landed on top of this armored person just to groan and be shoved off roughly. This non gendered person peaked my curiosity as I couldn't tell what they looked like or what they were thinking. I heard a huff as the person scrambled up and looked around. The weapon that they had was on the ground dismissed for a few minutes before they bent down and grabbed it giving it an once over before holstering it to there thigh. I was still on the ground watching them with curiosity as a breeze fluttered their tattered cape revealing a jet pack and riffle? What strange weapons. A beeping was heard from their wrist gauntlet as they acknowledged it with a single word that I wasn't able to hear and start walking away. "Are you going to help me up?" I asked. They stopped walking and looked over there shoulder slightly before continuing along. I huffed and got up. Dusted the dirt off me and continued on my hunt for a bar where I can find this bounty. I walked into the first liquor establishment and it was dead silent which was weird. Not even music was playing. I looked around to see the armored figure at the other entrance across from me. They marched up to the bar and slapped down some money to the bartender. I slowly approached where they were talking to over hear the conversation since my curiosity was getting the better of me. The figure nodded their head and moved away to a dark corner booth. I stayed where I was at and kept my head down glancing at the door and at the mysterious figure often. After a while the figure turned there head in my direction but I couldn't tell if they were looking at me or not. There hand that was tapping on the table stopped and turned into a clenched fist. I glanced around and someone slink through trying to not be noticed. I looked closer and they were headed to another that was my target. I got my phaser out and set it to stun. Getting ready to pounce I was a second to late because the mysterious figure left there spot and attacked the two figures. They were both in cuffs and groaning in pain. The figure flipped both over and scanned them. I raised an eyebrow before they grabbed the one that wasn't mine and dragged the pour fellow out.

After a few encounters with the same hunter in armor I became more curious as to what they look like. So I approached them. "Hey man, we gotta stop bumping into each other like this!" I said getting closer.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

What the hell? Is someone talking to me? I looked around and saw a blond, fair skinned man approaching me. I looked behind me to see if anyone else was there but no one was. I shrugged it off and continued on my path back to my ship.

"Where are you going?" He yelled. I heard his footsteps become faster meaning he is jogging to catch up with me. I rolled my eyes at his attempt that he was making to get to know me. "Not much of a talker? That's okay. Anyways what are you anyways? I'm Terran. My name is Peter Quill, but you might know me as Star-Lord." He finally stopped his introduction when we were about halfway to my ship. The silence was peaceful until he started to hum a song. I knew the song very well as it was my favorite. Hooked on a Feeling by Blue Swede 1973. We were still walking when a sharp pain came from my waist. Looking down and moving my arm I saw a blow dart like object. I pulled it out and tossed to the ground. I stopped walking which made Peter stop as well. I stayed still, waiting. Then they appeared. They were inter-dimensional beings that hid under dark fabrics of brown and blacks, kidnapping whoever that catches their eyes to sell on the intergalactic black market. The market moves so frequently that you can't track it easily or these beings that host it. Their sickly yellow eyes sparkled in excitement as they landed on their prize, me. They already took my younger sibling and killed them. Now it's my turn to do the same favor. I drew out my blade of dark matter that has been passed down in my clan. It was so dark it glowed a white outline. The fighting begun. Battle cries were given as they all attacked at once. I forgot about Peter until I heard a yelp of pain. Finishing off the figure in front of me and spinning around to see two Peters? Shit. They hit me with some sort of sedative. I stumbled over to Peter and barely tucking the dark saber away without hurting myself. I yanked Peter off the ground and pulled out a grenade. I started my jet pack and chucked it hard at the ground. The explosion gave us enough cover to escape. I was flying sloppily as I saw three to five of the same object. I saw the blurry outline of my ship and crashed into the ground not far.

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