" Where'd you go?" Deigo asked, his arms crossed.

" The future. And it's shit, by the way." Five said, staring at the window, hsi usual frown on his face.

" Called it. " Called Klaus, raising his hand. He was leaning agianst the door of Lia's room.

"I should've listened to the old man. You know, jumping through space is one thing, jumping through time is a toss of the dice." he turned away form the window to face Klaus.

"Nice dress." he commented. Although he'd rather be shot then caught saying it, he had a lot of respect for Klaus.

"Oh, well, danke!" he said with a grin.

"Wait, how did you get back?" Vanya asked. She was standing furthest away from the room as the screams that erupted from Lia had always scared her.

"In the end, I had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time." Five said, not bothering to look up at the family.

"That makes no sense." said Deigo

"Well, it would if you were smarter." Five commented.

Luther stopped Deigo from attacking the time traveler. If Lia was concious she would have smiled at the slight smirk that lit his face.

"How long were you there? " was Luther questioned.

" Forty-five years. Give or take." Five commented.

"So what are you saying? That you're fifty eight?" Allison asked.

" Maybe that's why Lia kept screaming the number fifty eight  when you left. In her sleep."

Five nodded at Klaus. "Possibly. But No, my consciousness is fifty eight. Apparently, my body is now thirteen again."

He sounded annoyed at the fact he was so young agian.

"Wait, how does that even work?" Deigo asked, struggling to wrap his head around the entire thing.

"Delores kept saying the equations were off. Eh. Bet she's laughing now."

"Delores? Isn't that the name you made up for Lia to make fun of her?"
Klaus asked.

"Hmm? No." Five said. He looked down at the newspaper  "Guess I missed the funeral"

" How'd you know about that?" Luther asked defensively.

Five looked at him, his face screaming 'what the hell?'

"What part of the future do you not understand? Heart failure, huh?"

Luther and Deigo both answerd at the same time.


Five huffed a laugh. "Hmm. Nice to see nothing's changed."

With those words as scream sounded below them.

Now usually when somebody screams, the scream does nothing but startle those around them. Startle then into knowing something was wrong. Apart from that, a scream had no real power.

Apart from Lia.

Ophelia was the favourite of the children - not that she would let anyone know that. And this was because, similarly to Five, she had more than one power. Of course they all linked. For example Fives powers could be summed up by the word travel. He could travel anywhere and everywhere.

Lia had wished that her power was as safe as her friends.

Her power could also be summed up with a single word.

scream ~ Five Hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now