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(Mothra Pov)
It was class before i went to class i grabbed ghidorah by the ear and called godzilla we all then both talked to the principal i told DR Serizawa that Ghidorah Poisoned Godzilla with ANEB and Micro Oxygen and showed him the needle as proof DR Serizawa in Anger Shouted at Ghidorah And Expelled him from School. Ghidorah Said "Mothra I Love You More than Godzilla could ever love you"... "You Love me by poisoning the only thing i love and the person whom i go out with if you truly love me leave me alone!" i accidentally bursted half of my energy and almost collapse godzilla held me as ghidorah walked away ghidorah was angry and was never seen in the campus. The gang of Ghidorah well respected Godzilla now and also made themselves an Anti-Bullying Group. I said sorry then to DR Serizawa For Having an Outburst but he said it was ok for it was normal for me. So me And Godzilla Left we walked down the hallway

(Godzilla POV)
So You really love me huh? "Duh obviously!" Mothra Laughed and blushed we kept walking and talked many thing and i held her hands i really love mothra and i couldn't stop looking at her. Then out of nowhere mothra pushed me to a stall in the hallway and she kissed me. Mothra stop! I said what is it my king you have a problem? 😏 She laughed and she continued kissing me it felt like hours and we got out of the stall DR Stan saw us he said in a drunk manner, "Hah I SaW ThAt hAHAh" we both told him to shut up. DR Stan is really a goofy teacher also loves to drink but teaches really well. Me and mothra ran and laughed as he was trying to chase us but forgot what happened the next day i took mothra back to her home and talked about thing she felt pain in her legs so i allowed her to rest on my back she layed there still talking to me so we arrived at her home i kissed her good bye i heared the fairies teasing us as they saw us kiss and mothra shooed them away and mothra laughed then we said i love you to each other kothra again kissed me for the last time i blushed good bye mothra❤️ goodbye she replied then we then went home but i felt something was watching... GHIDORAH??!!

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