No place I rather be

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"So did he just drop of Henrik with you?" Rebekah asked skeptically as she moved to look inside the living room, where Henrik was fast asleep on one of the sofas.

"No. The poor vampire looked tired so I told him that I would look after Henrik. He said he would be in the library." Kol explained in a low voice as he sat down on the sofa opposite from his nephew.

"You look tired as well." Rebekah said with a small frown and couldn't help but worry at the sight of the dark circles under her brother's eyes. Her thousand year old brother suddenly looked older and Rebekah felt a pang of sadness hit her.

"Me? I'm perfectly fine as always." Kol told her with a wink and Rebekah rolled her eyes at his arrogance. At least that had disappeared along with his immortality. "Go find your lover boy."

"He's not-" Rebekah started to object, but gave up with a small sigh. She would never be able to convince Kol anyway. Especially when she had trouble convincing herself. Rebekah didn't say another word as she turned on her heel and moved towards the library.

"He's somewhere sulking over the sweet Caroline".

Rebekah shook her head to get rid of the thought. Kol was just messing with her because that was what Kol did, vampire or not. Even after five years of not seeing each other, Caroline and Stefan seemed close, but that didn't mean that they were anything more than friends. Did it?

The blonde Original hated the uncertain feeling that settled in her stomach and found herself irritated with Caroline's presence for the 50th time within the last couple of days. Rebekah knew that she was being silly since she hadn't seen any evidence of lingering feelings between the two, but on the other hand she hadn't really spent that much time with them together.

Rebekah opened the door to the small library without knocking and couldn't help but glare back, when Stefan looked at her with surprise. The blonde stopped just within the room with her arms crossed in front of her and she kept her eyes on the Salvatore vampire, who sat in a small sofa with an alcoholic drink in his hand. It looked suspiciously liked whiskey.

"And what do you think you're doing?" Rebekah asked in an annoyed tone that made Stefan frown, but he didn't move from his seat. "Leaving my nephew with Kol?"

"I just needed somewhere to think. Somewhere quiet. And your brother knows how to take care of a five-year old despite what all of you think." he told her pointedly, but Rebekah ignored his jab at her. Instead she moved further into the room and stopped a couple of meters from him.

"Thinking about Caroline, are we?" the Original mocked with a small smile that made Stefan roll his eyes.

"Yes. I am thinking about my friend, who almost died last night." Stefan replied with a small tilt of his head and returned the smile she was sending him. Rebekah cursed him inwardly because he always managed to see right through her, but her expression remained stoic.

"I didn't know friends spent so much time thinking about each other." Rebekah said casually as she started moving around in the room, looking at the books she had already read at least ten times.

"You should get one. Then you wouldn't have to interrogate me about it." Stefan suggested with a smirk on his lips and Rebekah's face fell slightly.

"You seem bothered." Rebekah then said with a sweet smile and edged closer to Stefan once more.

"I'm tired, Rebekah." he told her with a sigh and took a large sip of his drink. "Just tell me what you want so we can get on with our lives."

"Fine." Rebekah huffed with an offended look in her eyes and walked over to stand right in front of the sofa he was still sitting in. "I'm just trying to help you, Stefan. Because Nik won't like it when he finds out about your crush on Caroline."

New Beginnings (2) [Klaroline] حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن