Chapter 1: The candy stuck in his web

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The sound of ocean waves filled her ears. The soft ocean breeze, the taste of salt water entered her mouth, still caked in her blood and even the beautiful sight of the beginning of a new day. The calm after the dark storm that was the night before. She looked down to see the dawn slowly rising, shinning light to her body laying in the water, covered in wounds and bruises from the night before. Another gang of idiots tried to pick a fight with her. All because of her eyesore of long cotton candy coloured hair that stuck out like a sore thumb. She was a prime target for those who needed to pass aggression on others. She couldn't hide those hideous colours. Those pastel colours that haunted her the minute she fell into hell and no matter how hard she tried to die out her hair, cut it, even shave it, the pink and blue coloured hair came crawling back the next day.

"...please...let today be better..." she said, not even caring of the taste of ocean filling her mouth.

She sighed, having a small moment of peace looking at the ocean. That reddish colour to the sky that left its imprint on the water made it almost look like the beauty of a sunset. Her eyes slowly closed, wanting a bit of rest after that hellish night. But fate had something else in mind

"Hey sweetheart? The hell are you doin' out here?" A voice resonated and her eyes darted to a man dressed in a pink stripped suit. His four hands resting on his sides making him look grand and his eyes planted directly to her. His fluffy like hair and pointy teeth.. he was a spider like demon. Deep inside, she thought he looked a bit familiar. maybe she saw him before or saw him on a poster? He lowered himself and looked upon the girl, gently taking her chin to turn in his direction.
"Hey.. you're bleeding like crazy.. you can't just stay here."
"...I...I know...but.." she replied, snapping out of her daze. She had no energy left to fight against the constant looks, fights and insults sent her way. No more.
The man sighed.
"Can you at least walk? I can take you somewhere a lot safer than this beach side. Trust me. I've seen too many bodies here."

The girl was confused. This man was actually worried about her. She was about to lift herself but soon felt the past kicks to her stomach hit her once more and fell back into the water.
The man looked a bit annoyed but went to her, gently wrapping her in his stripped jacket and used his four arms, lifting her up carefully while making sure she's comfy.

"You really had a rough night huh?" He slowly brushed away the wet hair out of her face showing a soft face covered in bruises. The young woman was left only to look into the eyes of the man that pulled her out of the bloody water. His one dark eye looked almost as though he could stare into her soul.
"...Wh..why.... I...I'm only trouble... and I'll dirty your blazer..." she sighed, having no strength to fight back anymore. She could see the blood staining his suit but he seemed more worried about her.

"Dont worry about the blazer. I'll clean it later. And also, I wanna help. Don't refuse an extended hand at this point, cotton candy girl." He nicknamed her. At any other occasion she would have slapped his face or insult him but she couldn't. Her eyes went back, feeling the eyelids slowly close and shut.

As she fell asleep, the man smirked at the sight. "Pretty cute this one..." He began walking his way to the Happy hotel, once in a while, looking down to the sleeping woman. "we're almost there..."

It was then that she felt warm blankets over her. The warmth she hasn't felt in so long. The feeling of having had a full night's sleep. She could feel her body was wrapped in bandages and the familiar jacket she was placed in. Her wet and ripped clothes from the night before were now replaced with a soft satin pyjama. A soft smell of rose scented perfume cane to her and She slowly opened her eyes, seeing nothing but a cocoon made of satin red sheets around her. The woman gently uncovered her eyes a bit to see a few demons talking including the spider demon from the beach.

"Like I said before, I found her like this. She's in serious condition. What was I supposed to do? Leave her there?"
"That's the thing. She could have ties with something serious!" A woman's voice resonated. She looked incredibly annoyed by the spider demon and hid her face in her white hair.
"So what? We let the "dangerous"radio demon in here and not the cotton candy haired girl? I doubt this chick will be more trouble than this guy."
She sighed. "Fine.. I'll let Charlie know about our "new guest" and I'll bring up breakfast." The woman with white hair quickly left, closing the door behind her.

The woman in bed was trying hard to hide deeper in the sheets out of fear and embarrassment. Where was she? why did this man bring her here and what was going on? But before she could a hand pulled the sheets a bit away, revealing her to the light of the night lamp.

"Well well well, hey sweetheart. How you feeling" the spider demon smirked as he sat down by the bedside.
The woman shivered a bit and nodded a bit. "B-better...still sore and dizzy..."

She felt the man softly pet her head. "Glad to hear it, sweetness."
She looked to him confused. 
"wh...where are we?"
"Happy hotel. Thought this could be a good spot for you to rest a bit." he said softly petting her head. "No demon will come in to hurt you here."

The woman felt a little more at ease and looked to him. "who...who are you?"
"The name's Angel dust sweetheart. But call me angel."
Her eyes widened. "You are the porn star right?"
"right on the money" he chuckled and winked.
"I...I'm (Y/N). Theres not much to me besides the colour of my hair..."
"Don't sell yourself short sweetie. I'm sure you got plenty of talent and lovable traits once someone gets to know you." he winked to her and gently tucked her back in the bed.

She blushed a bit from his words. His words were reaching into her very being and managed to break a bit of her walls. Before she could say anything, she felt him kiss her head. 

"Now get some sleep sweetheart. I'll wake you up once breakfast is ready."
"but I...." Her dizziness got stronger and her eyes slowly close, returning to her peaceful sleep.

The demon smirked watching over her, gently petting her head, looking at the young woman who peacefully slept in his warm heart shaped bed. 
"Seems like I caught some candy in my web.." 

Cotton candy demon (Angel dust x reader)Where stories live. Discover now