Chapter 36 - Residential District

Start from the beginning

"Alright everyone, go ahead and go through the gate and we'll be at my city. Warning, it's still under construction." (Sora)

While I explained, Corhn was the first to jump through, followed by the slaves, and then with Sana and I right behind all of them. I could see the amazement in the face of Corhn, and my slaves.

"It's barely been one week since you came here, and you've already done all of this?!" (Corhn)

"One week? Master, did you do all of this stuff, by yourself?" (Fhiora[Dwarf])

"Well, I had a bit of help in sectioning out the plots for buildings. Although, the actual construction was done by me thanks to my magic." (Sora)

"Wow! Master must be really strong!" (Fhiora[Dwarf])

"Hahaha. Yes Fhiora, I'm very strong. I've already defeated a Demon General, and a Demon Lieutenant." (Sora)

"Wooowwww!" (Fhiora[Dwarf])

I'm not really the bragging type of person, but she seems to find it entertaining to learn that I'm a strong person. So I suppose that it would be fine to brag a little bit to entertain her. Plus, she seemed to enjoy the idea that her new master is someone powerful, so there's no harm done.

"Master?" (Dohline[Demon])

"Hm? Yes, how can I help you Dohline?" (Sora)

"You said you defeated a Demon General, right? What was their name?" (Dohline[Demon])

"I don't really remember his name, but it was a good battle. I caught him trying to rally a bunch of Orcs to attack the Human Capital, Arendall. Finding him was an accident, but I knew it would be too dangerous to leave him be, so I had to defeat him." (Sora)

"I see." (Dohline[Demon])

She seemed to be relieved when I told her about the demon I had killed. Perhaps she has some relation with one of the Demon Generals? She's a War Slave so I assume that she was captured after her commander had been defeated in battle. However, I suppose I was a little wistful in hoping that the commander would be the Demon General. It was probably one of the Demon General's Lieutenants.

"Defeating the Demon that how you got the money to do all of this?" (Fennel [Elf])

"No, I did get money for killing him, but I used that to get some equipment and whatnot. I used his core to make my gauntlets." (Sora)

"Master, you used it for equipment? You could have gotten a fortune just for selling it!" (Bell[Human])

"True, I could have received a large, substantial amount of money for selling it. However, I'm not going to pass up the opportunity to use it for powerful equipment." (Sora)

My slaves looked at me with confusion written on their faces. It makes me wonder if they think the Demon Generals core couldn't be used to make equipment. Either way, if I get another core from one of the generals, then I'll still use it to have equipment made.

"Alright, enough chatting for now. Corhn, let's get you sorted out, then I'll show my slaves to my mansion." (Sora)

With that, Sana was leading the way to our commercial district as I explained the district system we were using to Corhn and the slaves. I also explained the choice to place a large park and Academy in the center of the city.

"So you plan to become an academic city then?" (Corhn)

"The Academy will be a large appeal for our city, but it won't just be about academics. I'll also be promoting the advancements of technology and science." (Sora)

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