"Are you sure?" Naruto asked causing Jiraiya to nod his head.

"Yeah...... Now go on before I regret my decision!" Naruto quickly hugged his godfather before running off.

"You're the best pervy sage! Thanks for everything!" Naruto yelled out. Jiraiya sighed softly shaking his head.

'Young love.' he thought to himself as he continued on his way to the hokage tower.

Meanwhile at the Uchiha Manor, Sasuke still hadn't received word that Naruto had come home. He had a few birds watching the main gate for the Kitsune's return. Sasuke couldn't wait to see Naruto again as he missed his mate. During the three years, Sasuke also trained to become stronger this way he could stand by Naruto's side when the Kitsune needed him to be there especially with the Akatsuki threat out there. The young Tengu had no doubt that his omega had become much stronger in the three years time. Itachi could see his little brother pacing wildly waiting for news about Naruto's return back home. Itachi couldn't wait to see Kurama either but, being without a mate for so long, Itachi had a lot more patience compared to Sasuke.

"Sasuke....... Why don't we go and spar for a while? It will take your mind off of Naruto and waiting for him to return home." Itachi suggested causing Sasuke to sigh softly.

"How do you do it Itachi?" asked Sasuke. The older Tengu turned towards his little brother with a raised brow. "How do you have such patience? Aren't you excited and worried about seeing Kurama again?"

"I am Sasuke but, I know that Kurama is no push over as he is the most powerful Biju in existence plus, he is more than capable of handling himself as he did go ahead to head with the fourth Hokage. Besides....... If they were in trouble or that something happened to them, we would know and they would have contacted us mentally. Plus I had you to look after when our clan was killed. Not that I blaming Kurama for that as I know that we have the power to control the Biju and bend them to our will." replied Itachi. "Just have faith that they will return home soon." Sasuke let out another long soft sigh knowing his brother was right.

"I know. It's just........ They had cut the link with us to focus on their training as we haven't heard a single thing from them in the three years. We should have heard something..... anything by now." Itachi sighed as he understood Sasuke's concerns solely because of the Akatsuki targeting the nine Biju. Plus mating while Sasuke was still young, he had a lot to learn about when it came to mates and their connections. If your mate was harmed, you would feel it and know that your mate was in trouble. If they were killed, you would feel as if a part of you had died as well.

Before Itachi could say anything else, there came a knock on the door. Sasuke went to answer the door thinking that it was possibly either Kakashi or Sakura. As Sasuke opened the door, he was suddenly knocked off of his feet. Not being able to react, Naruto quickly kissed his Tengu mate aggressively. The look of shock and surprise stretched across Sasuke's face before he found himself melting into Naruto's kiss. Itachi's eyes also widened not because of suddenly seeing Naruto whom had suddenly arrived but rather of the five fox tails that wagged wildly behind the young Kitsune. The two mates broke apart as a full wild grin stretched across Naruto's face.

"Surprise! I'm home! Did you miss me?" he asked. Sasuke replied by flipping their position as he kissed Naruto just as aggressively. The older Tengu could feel that Sasuke was going into his rut which was slightly affecting Itachi.

"Sasuke....... Get to the hut! Naruto....... Can you summon Kurama for me please?" Sasuke stopped what he was doing as he got up off of Naruto helping the Kitsune up to his feet. Naruto after getting up proceeded to do the summoning jutsu to pull Kurama from beyond his seal. The four headed towards the mating hut which had become a small two bedroom and one bath house.

Once inside of the hut, Itachi had dragged Kurama into another but separate room allowing Sasuke and Naruto to be by themselves.

"So...... I take it that you missed me." Naruto stated as he watched as Sasuke free himself of his clothing before making his way over towards Naruto.

"I nearly drove Itachi nuts with worrying about you. When I knew that you were coming home, I asked the birds to alert me." Sasuke replied as he worked Naruto free of his clothing brushing the five fox tails earning a purr from the fox.

"I asked them not to tell you......... nhg~...... I wanted to surprise you." replied Naruto as he licked his lips noticing Sasuke's dripping erection. Lust began to cloud Sasuke's eyes as he noticed that Naruto was fully erect as well. The Tengu leaned in kissing Naruto hard as he gripped the fox's hot rod.

*Let me show you just how much I had missed you.* Sasuke stated mentally as he began to kiss his way down to Naruto's cock. Naruto tried not to moan out when he felt Sasuke's warm lips wrap around his erection. One of Sasuke's hands worked on Naruto's nipples while the other worked on loosening up Naruto's ass. Naruto couldn't help as his purrs and moans began to echo in the room.

"Sasuke....... Please........ ah~! I need....... ha....ngh~!" Naruto gasped out in pleasure when Sasuke brushed against the one spot that caused the Kitsune to see stars.

*Patience love.* Sasuke replied mentally before unwrapping his lips from Naruto's dripping erection and removing his hands from Naruto's body. Naruto whimpered at the loss before he felt Sasuke slam his hot rod into his tight ass. Naruto screamed out in both pleasure and pain waiting for his body to adjust to the thick rod that was in him.

"Sasu...... move....." Naruto moaned out as he arched his back.

"Damn Naruto......... your so fucking tight........ I missed you so much." moaned out Sasuke as he moved his body slamming his cock in and out of Naruto's ass.

"I missed you too........ Sasuke!" Naruto gasped out as he could feel Sasuke slam against his prostate repeatedly.

Their moans, snarls, and whimpers echoed through the small room as the two mates went at it wildly. Both lost track of how many times they had orgasmed as they couldn't seem to get enough of each other and couldn't bring themselves to stop when it felt so good. It was expected when you have been away from your mate for three years and painfully earned another tail because of the growth of your powers. But Naruto's training with Jiraiya had taught him so much not only about the sage arts but, also about his family. Yoko Kurama and Xiaomu helped Naruto with his martial arts training teaching the young Kitsune different forms of fighting rather than just taijutsu. Soushi and Xiaomu also helped train Naruto how to use a sword. Naruto was equally skilled with a sword as well as he now carried one that his mother used to carry and left for Naruto to have when he got older. Jiraiya had taught Naruto how to perform seals along with the sage arts. Naruto learned that he was a natural when it came to using and creating seals all because both of his parents were skilled with the art as well. Both mates collapsed after their last orgasm as they laid in each other arms panting as they slowly came down from their erotic high.

"I love you Sasu......" Naruto whispered.

"I love you as well Naru......" replied Sasuke before they fell asleep holding each other as Sasuke's wings covered their nude bodies.

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