Chapter Sixteen - A New Teacher

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Remus stared at the Fat Friar for a few seconds wondering what the heck he just said or why he said it, but the Friar was smiling and nodding so Remus stretched his hand out and tickled the pear. It wriggled and then turned into a handle.

The room inside was huge, as big as the Great Hall (which Remus realized they were directly under). There were five tables arranged in the same manner as the tables above them and Remus watched as house-elves placed platters on the tables, and the platters disappeared. There were loads of counters and stoves and sinks and dishes and cupboards and a huge fireplace and at least a hundred house-elves all wearing the same sort of tea towel uniform. The house-elves that saw Remus began bowing and curtsying as well as greeting the Fat Friar who sat down at the table that matched up with the Hufflepuff table.

"I's Toggle," said a rather stout and ancient house-elf. "Toggle's in charge of the kitchens, he is."

"Er, hullo Toggle," Remus said pleasantly.

"Is there something wrong with the food, Young Master Student?"

"Oh, no, no, not at all. I've loved all the food I've had. I just--er, I didn't go to supper tonight and the Fat Friar brought me here..." He trailed off, not sure whether or not to outright ask for food however Toggle seemed to understand. He gave a bow and then shouted orders at some other house-elves who tripped over themselves bring over a basket full of sandwiches, fruit, and bottles of different flavors of soda pop. Remus thanked them all which made them all squeak and wring their tea towels before scurrying off. He thanked the Fat Friar as well before leaving the kitchens, feeling extremely happy. Now he knew where to go when he didn't want to be in the Great Hall. Which was most the time.


On Saturday morning Remus got three pieces of mail, one of which had a small package attached to it that Arthur needed help carrying in.

Dearest Remus, 24/9/71

Your father never knew much about this mind-reading magic and it's made us both very worried. Are you certain there is a way to prevent it from happening? I am grateful that Dumbledore is doing what he can for you however... I know there's only so much that can be done. I wish you were home with us, safe, you'd be safe with us. Hidden away from prying eyes and prying minds. Just say the word, love, and you'll be back home safe with us.

Love, Mum

PS. I made you some of your favorite cookies.

Mr. Lupin

Please report to Mr. Filch at 6pm tonight (25 September) for your detention

Professor McGonagall


Please come to my office at three pm for more sugared oranges. The gargoyle likes them too.


Remus opened the package and found a dozen double chocolate chip cookies. He immediately broke one apart and started eating it, feeding a few pieces to Arthur who nuzzled him. Remus smiled and stroked Arthur's chest. He felt someone staring at him and knew without looking it was Black.

Then Remus reread the letter from his mother. His I-want-to-go-home letter was still in his pocket however he no longer wished to send it. Sure, he still felt the sting from Dedenne's harshness and the hurt from his dormmates teasing, but it felt different now after some sleep and waking up to a sunshine-y Saturday morning.

Armed with cookies, he figured he didn't need anymore breakfast and after giving Arthur a kiss on his feather head and sending him off, Remus went outside. It was quite warm under the sun though there was quite a chill to the breeze. He found a nice spot near the lake and stretched out on his belly, eating several cookies and breaking up one of them to toss at the giant squid in the water.

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