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Role: VIII | Boy Genius

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Role: VIII | Boy Genius

Name: Archibald "Archie" Gunther Forechette

Age: Sixteen

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Face Claim: Sean Giambrone

Personality: Sometimes, he is way too smart for his own good. Especially when he is in class, and he knows the answer without hesitation he will answer it after rasing his hand of course and being told he could. After he feels a bit embarrassed since it seems no one else in the class known that. That leads him to play dumb to fit in with people, because he is afraid if people think he thinks he is so smart for them they will leave him. He finds his knowledge is a curse, and it hates being so smart because it can see it makes people feel dumb. When he is nervous he rambles a lot, which can be expanding on things being said or something that doesn't make a lick of sense. He is open minded and sees from everyone's point of view. It may seem off, but truthfully he can ponder things in every sort of way and outcome, he finds it cool others find it weird. He doesn't mind though, it is something he likes about himself. He also gives random facts to make people feel better or lighten the mood. It may not seem like something any normal person would do, but hey, he isn't normal either. On that note he doesn't believe anyone is normal, and when someone calls him weird or something like that, he takes it as a compliment.

Likes: Books, they have always been his best friend. He loves to read them and going to the library is like a second home to him. The smell of books in your hand, turning the papers, dog earring the corner if the pages. | Gardening, not everyone knows this about him, but he enjoys gardening. He often helps his mother plant flowers in the garden around their house. He finds it relaxing and finding worms makes his day. | Cereal, this guy loves cereal more than anything in this world. If he could, he would eat it for all meals. Sadly his mother prevents him from doing so, be that doesn't mean he doesn't sneaks some up to his room. |

Dislikes: His full name, oh gosh, the poor boy thinks his parents were punishing him giving him such a name. He only goes my his nickname because if anyone calls him his full name he will snap. | The mayors son, he finds him really creepy. The one time he had run into him, he said nothing, just gave him a glare and walked off. He knows he is doing something creepy, because being alone in the manor, he can't be being a normal person, the mayors have never been your average normal people. Everyone knows they are like a secret society, doing things behind others backs and keeping secrets, whispering about things. | Ice, he isn't a fan of ice on the roads in the winter time, he doesn't even like ice skating. When he was younger he busted his lip and knocked out all of his baby teeth in the front of his mouth. He also is quite afraid that someone is going to slice off his fingers with their skates if he falls down. |

Strengths: His brain is one big strength, because he can hold a lot of knowledge inside and remember so much. He knows it will come in handy, so, he makes sure to read books from medical types, to mystery crime ones. He finds it fascinating how much his brain can hold being the size it is. | His self taught self defense skills. In his spare time he has been learning how to defend yourself using anything you can get your hands on. He knows that it may come in handy one day, so better keep on practicing. | His survival skills, for a while he had been in boy scouts which taught him a whole lot. He ended up leaving because school was his main focus no matter how easy it was, he had to help others. |

Fears/Weaknesses: Roaches, he screams like a girl when he sees one of those repulsive bugs. He finds them creepy, they just give him the creepies and he, after seeing them, feels like the are on him. He makes sure to have someone else kill them because he isn't gonna be the one to do so. | Anything happening to his beloved pitbull. It would crush him if anything happened to his Lola. She is his world, his pride and joy, she makes coming home brighter, hearing her barking when he comes home. |

Secret: Him being a genius is his secret. He promised his parents to not tell anyone. He doesn't want people to think he is a stuck up, to smart for his own good, egotistical person. He knows people will stop being his friend when they find that out, because it will make them feel bad. So, he makes sure no one will figure it out and he can keep pretending to be normal.

Family: Mother - Nicole | Father - Victor |

Backstory: Since he was a child, he had always been more advanced than people his age. He never knew why but things had always been easy for him, it wasn't until he was older many people were saying he was a genius. He had a hard time believing that, because he felt it would make others feel bad. His teachers had always said growing up that these grades were too easy for him and he should skip a few grades. He didn't want to do that, he wanted to make friends his own age, be a normal kid, or at least as much as he could be. So, he managed to get by in each grade, graduating with every one in the class. Yes it may have been really easy, it gave him more time to help those who needed it. Now that he is getting older, he already has a few colleges mapped out. He has his enrollment information already typed up and saved for when he needs to send it off. He has what majors and minors he will be taking listed and has many grant granting websites already for him to apply to once he finishes school.

Other: He has a gray pitbull named Lola, who he loves more than anything in his life. She was a rescue pup who had been abused as a puppy. | He can speak a few languages, French, Spanish and Chinese, only because he has an eidetic memory and can retain so much knowledge in his brain. |

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