
You sighed and rolled over, not able to sleep. The clock showed it was late, just before twelve and you sighed sitting up. You felt Luke shift beside you and you looked down, seeing Luke roll over, no sleep evident on his face. “Why are you still up?” You asked glancing at him. “I could ask you the same thing,” He said sitting up beside you. “I can’t sleep…” You said laughing. “I don’t know how long I’ve been lying there for…” You added. “I thought you were asleep so I didn’t want to wake you up.” He said scooting closer to you. “I’m honestly wide awake, what do you want to do?” You said leaning your head against his shoulder. He turned his head to glance out the window of your bedroom and you followed his gaze seeing the clear night. “Want to go for a walk?” He asked suddenly turning towards you. “Really?” You said a little uncertain. “C’mon it will be nice it’s probably a good temperature out too… I’ll protect you! as well babe,” He said flexing his muscles making you giggle. You contemplated it for a moment before agreeing, changing quickly into a big sweater and a pair of jeans. You grabbed his hand, just as he put on his beanie and walked towards the front door. The cold air hit you immediately and you tightened your grip on Lukes hand. He grinned at you, slinging an arm around your waist as you began walking down the abandoned street. The silence between you two was nice, it wasn’t awkward at all. You walked wherever your feet led you, following the path of the moonlight and asking right or left. You wandered aimlessly, seeing the city in a whole other light. It was serene, not busy and quiet, and you loved it. Luke pulled you over to a park bench on the side of the street and you cuddled into his side. “This is really lovely,” You said, a small cloud escaped your mouth just as the trees rustled above. “You know, we’ve been walking for like two hours right?” He said laughing as he glanced at his phone. You giggled along with him, knowing it would take another two hours to get home, if you remembered the way. “Please tell me you remember the way home…” You groaned, forgetting the way yourself. “I was hoping you did…” He said laughing. “Dear God, it’s not like we can ask anyone either.” You said looking around the deserted road. “We’ll find our way back eventually, it will be fine!” He said pulling you up and slinging his arm around your waist once more. He stopped pulled out his phone quickly and typed something you couldn’t see. “Just sending a tweet for who ever is up,” He said showing you the bright screen. Late night walks with my girl, anyone surprised that we’re lost? :P You laughed, and tugged him along, setting out on your late night adventure with your wonderful boyfriend.


“You want to know something that probably won’t surprise you?” He asked you as you sat on the couch between his legs, flipping through your mentions on twitter. “Do I even want to know?” You said, replying to a cute mention. “I’m hungry, and I really don’t feel like cooking.” He said leaning his head on yours. “Making toast doesn’t count as cooking Michael,” Patting his knee he laughed. “Besides, it’s really late. What’s open?” You said tilting your head to look at him. “Lets go for a drive and see if we can find somethings that open twenty-four seven?” You pouted down at you, sticking out his bottom lip. You sighed, knowing you couldn’t refuse that adorable face, and you sat up waiting for him to join you. Grabbing your keys, you went to your car and began driving. Most stores had dark windows and no life but as you neared the edge of the town, one dingy sign showed ‘open.’ “How about that one?” He asked pointing towards the run down restaurant. “It looks kind of dodgey…” You trailed off and he laughed. “Lets give it a go, maybe it’s good?” He said giving it a happy look. You sighed and pulled into the gravel parking lot, locking your car you met Michael, grabbing hand as he held the door for you. It looked to be a diner, so you seated yourselves at a booth. It was clean at least, maybe it was just outside that was rundown. But upon further inspection you could tell the inside needed work too, the fabric on the seats chapped, the paint peeling and the dust accumulating on the windows. But you put that all aside and picked up your menu, glancing at Michael. “Do we order breakfast or dinner?” You asked glancing at the clock showing quarter to one. “Um, breakfast maybe?” He said furrowing his eyebrows. You resumed looking at the menu, setting on the french toast. A waitress that looked beyond exhausted came to take your order. Ordering a tea for yourself and french toast, Michael ordered a coffee and just a regular breakfast special. She walked away, yelling something at the cook in the back. He took your hands from across the table, “see this place isn’t so bad!” his voice low so no one would hear. You laughed, squeezing his hands. “I’ll make my judgement after we get our food,” You moved your hands as the waitress put down your cups and gave you a half hearted smile, walking away. You both made your drinks, sipping the scalding liquid you slid it away, waiting for it to cool. You both aimlessly talked, as the minutes ticked by until your food finally arrived. Three pieces of toast, with icing sugar, sweet maple syrup and fresh fruit were placed in front of you, as Michaels eggs and bacon were slid in front of him. “Holy shit,” you said laughing at the amount of food in front of you. Michael laughed grabbing the salt and pepper as you cut into your toast. You took a bite and instantly melted, it was delicious. “This is incredible, try a piece!” You said pushing your plate towards him. He cut off a bite and took it, looking up. “God damn,” He said laughing as you took another bite. After about forty five minutes you both ate your fill, not being able to finish your plates. You paid and tipped well, surprised at the service and the quality of the food. You grinned as you looked at the clock, the numbers shining an early three thirty. “I’m glad we ordered breakfast because I’ll be sleeping past noon.” Michael announced making you laugh as you backed out of the parking lot, telling him that you would have to come back here more often, making it a weekly date. 

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