61 1 0

Dawna: 8
Pixie: 5

Tell me which one is worse
Living or dying First
Billie Eilish; you should see me in a crown

It was way past midnight, but the little Princes could not yet sleep. Her eyes were not tired, even though her body most certainly was. Her eyes kept looking at the beautiful ceiling above her, where little angles and small hearts were drawn. A long time ago, her mother made them for her beloved children. The angles represented her and the way she would always look at them and offer them safety and comfort. The tiny hearts represented her love for them as well as the love she hoped they would feel for each other.

A small sigh left the Princes lips as she turned to face her older brother, whose breathing was steady and calm. He was sound asleep, just like he always was. The little Prince had been the first to be born, which automatically made him the next in line for the crown. Their father would never say it out loud for the sake of his little girl, but he loved his boy more. He would step into his footsteps; he would wear the crown and the crown jewels; he would be surrounded by the most important people in the country. She would not.

A thick silence laid in the room as the little girl once more turned over, hoping to find a suitable position. Her mind often drifted off to their mother, whom she had never met. The closest thing she had to a mother was her aunt, her mothers sister. She was always around the beautiful castle somewhere, walking and talking as is she owned the place. It did not bother the little Princes, at least now she had some sort of mother figure who loved her and took care of her the way she imagined a mother would.

'Damien? the little girl,' whispered softly. 'Damien are you awake?'

It was quite obvious that the little Prince was not awake and did not want to be awoken, yet she could not help herself to call his name a few more times. Part of her hoped that he would wake up to comfort her, or to tell her that she could sleep in his comfortable bed. Unfortunately, he did not awake.

With her eyes focused on the ceiling again she felt yet another sign leaving her lips. It could be midnight at that point, which meant that their father was likely to still be awake. However, it also could be way past midnight, which meant that he would not be pleased if his little daughter woke him up that late in the night. A king needs his sleep, was something he would always say while rubbing the palm of his hands through his eyes.

All of a sudden, a very loud bang sliced through the silence, destroying it completely. Shortly after this loud noise had filled the chilly air, the Princes found the courage to slip out of the woollen blankets that had kept her warmup until that point. Slowly, her small feet started to make their way towards the window when, yet another loud bang filled the air. This time, however, the entire castle started to shake. The sound of small stones falling to the ground filled her ears and suddenly her heart shrunk just a little. Lights from all over the castle where turned on and the Princes saw how many people walked towards their windows as well to see what was creating those loud bangs. There was nothing to be seen in the darkness of their beautiful garden; something that did not necessarily calmed the little girls nerves. Something was not quite right; she could feel that in her bones. However, as an eight-year old she did not have any real power to do something about the restless situation.

In the corner of her beautiful and bright blue eyes, the Princes saw a big, black ball coming their way. It all seemed to go very slowly. Suddenly the ball hit the castle wall on the opposite where they were sleeping, creating a big hole into the stones. Many people now started to shout, some even cried loudly. Not knowing what was happening, the little Princes stood still as the sound of the air alarm filled her small ears. It was only when she noticed a large group of people dressed in black clothing coming their way that she knew that something was off. The people looked nothing like the royalties her father would invite over for supper.

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