What Have I Done?

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Chapter 33


"I don't want you, I want your sister," Zeus boomed pacing back and forth.

"I have no control over Freya. I can't- " I froze midsentence. If I could get Freya and Zeus to work together... we win. I stood up, willing to say or give anything to get this alliance. "Okay, I will make that happen. But with a cost so high as eternal servitude, maybe a gift in good fate would be in order."

"What?!" he spat with a growl. His facial expression was one of absolute disdain. He abhorred us. To him we were less than the mud "Be grateful I even- "

"My lord, please, hear me," I needed to play to his ego. It was the only thing I could do to get on his good side, "You are the great and mighty Zeus; king of the gods and all of Mount Olympus, god of the sky, lightning and thunder, can you imagine all the great Zeus could do with a loyal God-Killer? I know my sister and those she keeps dear to her heart are always rewarded." He stopped pacing and listened carefully to my words, "The only thing stronger than fear is love. If you earned Freya's devotion... well you could be Zeus; king of the gods and all of Mount Olympus, god of the sky, lightning and thunder, Ruler of gods, men, demigods and God-Killers. No one, not even Gaia, Chaos, Nyx, or Erebus could stand against you."

Something flashed beneath the surface of his hardened expression and I hurried to investigate the sudden shift. It was too late. The emotion disappeared before I could identify it, like reaching desperately for an escaped balloon; the string dangling so tantalizingly close, but the wind pushes it away and its lost forever. To describe his facial expression would be like describing a blank sheet of paper. He could have been in a coma for all the life his face showed. "And how would I do this? If I wanted too."

"Seduce her, my lord. Use your many years of wooing to win her affections. Write her letters and poems, send her flowers and jewelry. See how big Freya's heart is. Ravish her with your power over the world and see why she cares about saving Earth." What was I doing setting Freya up with Zeus? "If you helped Freya save the Earth, she would be eternally grateful."

"And you would facilitate this."

With my eyes as round as tea sauce I stumbled out, "Y-y-yes."

What am I doing? What have I done?!

"Good." The way his lips lifted upward, the way his one dimple crinkles, the way his teeth are perfectly aligned; Zeus was enjoying this.

"I-if- if I may, my lord, there is a problem in the Keno region that could be a good starting point? If you could stare some time- "

"Yes, I've heard of this place. Hercules took some of the Descendants there." He turned away from me and started walking away. I ran after him trying to keep up, but one of his steps were six of mine.

"It could never hurt to flex the awesome might of Zeus- " Out of breathe, he cut me off.

"Yes, I will send Artemis, Ares, and Apollo. They will make quick work of the problem," Zeus snapped his fingers. "As for you," he said threateningly, "Tell me of your sister."

Well, you beat Freya into a coma, so I had no idea how I convinced Zeus to seduce Freya. Oh boy, this was going to be a long conversation Freya and I were going to have. "She is very... spirited, my lord? Funny in her own special way and..."

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw a ball of fiery yellow light come crashing down at us like a meteor. I stopped keeping pace with Zeus and froze at the sight. The meteor crashed landed in front of Zeus doing nothing to him, but the hard impact knocked me to the ground like an unloved rag doll. I sat up as saw as soon as the fire hit the ground, the field became illuminated. I could see thick gray smoke billowing into the sky. The once pale blue sky was now shielded by a veil of darkness as the smoke swallows up the whole sky. "Father, how may I serve you?"

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