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Chapter 32


"We need your help," I said serving Ares a cup of tea in the professionally designed stainless steel kitchen. Ares dwarfed the huge space as I sat down adjacent to him at the white wooden table bathed in the twilight sun.

Ares took a slip form the cup and frowned, "Needs honey... and sugar."

"I don't know where they keep it," I confessed. I cleared my throat, "And we aren't here for tea."

Ares pushed the white porcelain cup away and crossed his arms, "No, it's time for you to come home."

"That's not- "

"Eva and I have had words and... you can bring that human." He said cutting me off with a huff. "Wars take time, and he will be a good distraction for you. Freya can bring hers too."

"That's not why I called you. The world is falling apart, I fear Erebus and Nyx are here. We need your help. Freya can't win on her own- "

Again, I was cut off and silenced, "Sweet children, like yourself, don't need to worry about the fate of Earth. The Fates have already decided what will become of this place." He paused for a moment before leaning forward, "I am trying to protect you. What you want, I cannot give; not without destroying myself. And without me, who will stand and fight for you? I am telling you Cecilia, no matter what the gods do or don't do: this world will fall. You are wiser than your sister." Ares leaned back in his chair and turned to look out the window to the sunset. He seemed lost, as if he were trapped in a dream, "Your mother was clever. She was a realist. You could be so much like her if you- "

"She was cold, calculating, and unfeeling to anyone but herself," I said shocking myself. I don't think in my whole life I've ever been so bluntly honest about my mother. I stood up and slightly curtsey, "I am not my mother," I stated clearly and directly making sure I had Ares' attention. "I am the proud daughter of Captain Gardiner Greene, a man who selflessly fought to protect the innocent when men in power did nothing to stop it, in a time when the world was on the edge of destruction; good men didn't just stand by and do nothing. My father was willing to lay down his life, not just for me, but everyone that came after. I don't care what the Fates or the gods have decided. Humans, Descendants and demigods will not go quietly into the night. Please... if you truly want to protect me, Freya or Eva, you would help us fight this evil."

"Don't die with Freya for fake hope and a foolish dream."

"You're supposed to be the god of war, not a coward," I pushed.

"Don't you- "

"I know there isn't much I can do... really any of us if we don't work together, but I am trying. Freya is trying, knowing she isn't ready to face Erebus or Nyx." Ares stood up, finished with our chat and headed towards the front door. With his back turned to me I called out, "This is the moment you could have done something to save us. You're choosing to do nothing. If death is coming for us, our blood is on your hands."

Ares paused in the door frame and for a second I believed my words reached his heart, that he could see the value of the human spirit. But just as quickly as he stopped, he disappeared. I sank back down into my seat disheartened. If Ares wouldn't help, I needed to go to someone who would... could get me results.

I looked out the window to see the twilight stole away the colors of the day until the world looked like an old black and white movie. I knew what I had to do, and it would cost me everything.

I stood up and walked over to one of the kitchen draws and pulled out a steak knife with a wooden handle. My heart twisted and sunk with nerves as I sat back down at the kitchen table. I stared at the blade unsure of my plan.

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