Chapter twenty-four

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Chapter 24: (Austin's POV)

I knew I wasn't gonna be able to stay mad at her for that long and I actually wasn't expecting her to apologize to me at all but she did. I didn't think her ego would allow her to do it but I know that her ego isn't that big. 

It's actually nonexistent, she just puts up a front to seem strong. I'm not saying she's not strong, she is but she's not cocky enough to not apologize when she fucks up. "There's no way!" she laughed while I walked her to her next class. 

Unfortunately, I do not have art with her, I have gym but I was walking her to her class and unlike usually, she wasn't being fussy about it and telling me to shoo. I was telling her a little story about how when I was a kid, I took a whole bowl of my baby food and smeared it on the walls just because it was green apple flavored, not apple. 

"Yeah, I know. My mom still gives me an earful about it. When she is here." I scoffed as we reached her art class. 

"I have to hear more from you the next time I see you." she laughed as she leaned against the wall by the door. 

"You can always hear more at lunch." I raised a suggestive eyebrow at her. 

"Are you sure about that? Em and Kyle on the same table?" she raised her eyebrows at me. 

"Em and Kyle don't have to be there. I could meet you in the library." I said and she suddenly stiffened. 

"What? You don't think I know that's where you go when you want to be alone. To hide behind the books. You're the one person who goes there." I teased and watched as her cheek turned pink.

"Books are people's best friend. They can't talk back, can't annoy you, can't judge you, can't hurt you. What else do you really want?" she gave me a pointed look before the bell rang.

 "Alright. Fair enough. But I'm putting the offer on the table. I'll be in the library at lunch." I smirked before walking away to the gym. 

"I'll meet you there." I heard her sigh before yelling. "Maybe!" she smiled before walking into her class. I was looking back in her direction and accidentally bumped into someone. Chase. 

"Hey." he greeted me, playing nice. I wasn't gonna buy his bullshit. What he told me at Liv's house has come between us and as much as that sucks, he could stab me in the back and I can't risk that, so I'm gonna stay away. 

I sighed before questioning him. "What do you want?" I cocked my head to the side before putting my hands in the pockets of my jacket. 

"I'm going to see Livia. She has art right now." he said as he pulled a daisy out from behind his back. He now had a challenging look on his face. He's not as nice as people think. 

Nicer than Kyle? Yes. Nicer than me? Probably. But still an asshole? Definitely. 

"You're gonna give her a daisy?" I arched an eyebrow at him while holding back a smile. 

"Yeah. What? Afraid you'll lose her?" he gave me a challenging look with a glare. I scoffed before answering, 

"No, I'm not afraid of losing her. Go right ahead. Good luck." I gestured to the daisy with my eyes before walking off.

I decided it was worth it to see him fail so I decided to go to the gym for class a little late. The art room is one of the biggest classrooms so it had two doors, one at the front and one at the back.

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