The Date

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My phone soon lights up once more and I quickly open up the message from Carter. 

Let me surprise you. Wear a nice dress and I will pick you up at 7? 

Oh the butterflies bubble in my stomach and I swear with the smile on my face it looks like I slept with a coat hanger in my mouth! I snigger to myself as I make my reply...

You are very forward Mr Gold! I shall decide for myself what I would like to wear. 

Within seconds he replies...

I do apologise, but you should know that I am a man that knows what he wants... and I always get it. 

My body has just come alive; I imagine Carter dominating me around the bedroom, my cheeks blush at the thought. He quickly sends another message...

Send me your address beautiful and I will see you tonight. 

I text him my details and honestly wonder how on earth I will get any studying done. 


It's 6:40pm and I have paced around my living room for the last half an hour with a bottle of rose wine in my hand. I keep glancing in the mirror and adjusting my hair. God I'm so nervous, partly because I can't wait to see Carter again and partly because I totally suck at dates. 

I had such an instant attraction to him and I really don't want to mess it up! I smooth down my blouse and slip into my heels... I shoot a quick text to my best friend Zara, she's pretty good at talking me down from the ledge...

Zara what if he doesn't show? I mean he seems too good to be true right? 

I tap my finger nails against my kitchen counter in rhythm and continue to sip on my wine... well it's more of a gulp then a sip. 

Sarah! You are beautiful of course he is going to show! Stop worrying. 

I sigh and try to calm my nerves.. she's right he gave me his card, he called me beautiful, he's going to show! My phone buzzes once more...

P.S put down the wine! 

Ahh she knows me well. I laugh and put the bottle down onto the bench. 

Okay, wish me luck! Let's hope I can act like a normal human being! 

The doorbell suddenly sounds out and I almost drop my phone. I take one last look in the mirror, take a deep breath and swing open the door. 

Oh my Christ! He is even hotter then I remember. 

He stands smirking, "hello beautiful."

My inner self just groans, he is shit hot in a shirt!

"You ready to go?" He holds out his hand towards me.

"Erm... yes... yep... I'm ready" I stutter, completely flustered.

He leads me out of the door towards a taxi that is parked outside, I scoot along the back seat and he sits so close to me that are legs are lightly touching. There is such a strong tension between us and when his fingers gently brush past my own my breathing hitches. 

I feel as though he will be able to hear my heart beating, due to the rate in which it is pounding. I look deep into his hazel eyes...

"Shit I really want to kiss you... I'm going to kiss you..." he states.

I sit silently just staring at him, definitely not objecting.  

He takes my chin between his thumb and forefinger and lifts my face towards his own. He brushes my long blonde hair to the side and begins to part my lips with his own. The kiss becomes stronger as we both hungrily pull at each other. His hands begin dancing up and down my body and I let out a deep groan... 

When we finally part I'm totally breathless and it takes me a couple of minutes to compose myself, "well Mr Gold, what's in store for the rest of the night?" 

Carter looks at me in amusement and I offer him a cheeky grin. 

He points out of the taxi window towards a small club, "we are here, look."

We both amble out of the taxi and Carter settles the fare. The club is called 'Truth', I have been here before with Zara and my friend Nate. They always have live bands on and they do the best cocktails in town. 

Carter puts his hand on the small of my back and leads me inside, he lowers his head and whispers into my ear, "what would you like to drink?"

I look up to him and raise my voice, so that he can hear me over the music, "I will have a bloody Mary please."

His eyebrow shoots up in surprise, "You're a cocktail girl? I had you pegged as a wine drinker."

I gently touch his arm and lean in, "I am a women of many drinks Mr Gold, but Truth does amazing cocktails."

He quickly gives the barman our order and then turns back towards me, "You must have been here on lots of dates then?" 

He shoots me a devious smile and I decide to play along, "Ahh yes I come here all the time, but I was most looking forward to this date.. Colin... whoops... I mean Carter." 

He playfully pulls my hips towards him, "Colin eh?? Who's Colin??" 

I let out a cheeky laugh and he suddenly bites down onto my bottom lip, I pull at the back of his head and tenderly kiss him back. I take his hand in mine and move towards a quieter area of the club. We both sit down on a couple of red leather chairs and I sip on my drink. 

"So what's it like being one of the top defence lawyers in London?" I ask, looking at him intently. 

His eyes shoot up towards me, "Have you been googling me, Sarah?" 

He laughs and settles back into his seat. 

I advert his gaze, "I may have googled you, I like to know who I'm dealing with. A girl can't be to careful."

He leans forward, looking me up and down, "hmm you're an interesting girl... I will tell you all about my job, but first you can tell me your surname." 

I tilt my head to the side, "Okay. That's easy.. my name is Sarah Taylor. I grew up in Cambridge and have lived here all my life." 

My phone suddenly interrupts, chiming from my pocket. I quickly glance at it and see a message from Steven. 

Steven - Hey Sarah, you have me worried, you haven't messaged since yesterday morning! Is everything okay? 8:19pm 

I look up to Carter, who hasn't taken his eyes off me the whole time. 

I shove my phone back into my pocket and smile at Carter, "sorry it's just my friend, where were we?" 

"Well you were busy telling me about yourself." 

I shake my head, "Oh no, Mr Gold, I do believe that it's your turn." 

He starts to circle the rim of his glass with his index finger, "I grew up in London and went to Cambridge University to get my Law degree. I opened up my own law firm three years ago and bought a house here in Cambridge too."

I watch him intently as he speaks, soaking in every word, "Wow! That's impressive. My auntie left me her flat here after she passed away, I used to live with my dad before that he's just a few streets away from me."

He looks at me with a deep sympathy, "I'm so sorry to hear about your auntie." 

He takes my hand in his and we both just stare into each other's eyes, I have never felt anything like this, so quickly before.... oh boy, I'm definitely in trouble... 

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