I've Failed Her!!

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"I will take her and it will be when you least aspect it" He said laughing evilly I glared at him with hatred. "You won't cause I won't be caught off guard, I will just sleep here and stay here day and night if I have too" I spit out angrily. "You are NOT sleeping here, and I'll catch you off guard trust me I will" He said with his stupid butthead  of a smirk. "You can't stop me from sleeping here and No you won't catch me off guard ever" I said grinding my teeth together he laughed evilly.

"Think what you want, I got to go now I've got some business to take care of, But know this I will get that horse and sell it" He growled lowly at the end and he started to back away from the fence slowly, I tensed glaring death holes as anger boils in me.

"NO YOU WON'T" I yelled he laughed. "Know this Josie that if its the last thing I do I will take that horse from you" He sneered making my blood boil with anger. "And if its the last thing I do I will make sure that you don't take her away from me" I growled, He laughed and left, I sighed in relief when he left but now he knows were Angel is and he won't stop till he gets his way, this won't be the last of him I half to come up with a plan and fast...

Just then I heard the roar of a truck engine pulling up breaking me from my thoughts, I looked up to see Trevor getting out of his truck, My heart throbbed in hurt when I saw him, he was wearing a red shirt, black jeans, converse, his hair was messy and it looked kinda greasy, his eyes were red shot and puffy and he had tear stains on his cheeks, so I see I haven't been the only one crying over the break up...he walks over to me..

"Hey um sorry I didn't come this morning I just uh had to think some things over" He said softly scratching the back of his neck,.. And cry I added in my mind but I nodded and forced a tight smile.

"Its Okay I don't blame you" I whispered as tears form at the edges of my eyes but I quickly blink them away. he nodded and bit his lip shifting from foot to foot in nervousness. "So are you going riding?" He asked after a while of awkward silence I sigh and stroke Angels nose.

"No, I got interrupted by someone and have to come up with a plan" I whispered my voice hoarse from the tears that wanted to spill between seeing Trevor right after he broke up with me and the thought of  Angel getting  taken away from me. he looked at me confused..

"Was it me that interrupted you?, and what do you mean by you need a plan?" He asked voice laced with confusion, I sighed casting my eyes down before looking back up to him. biting back the tears that wanted to escape.

"I'll tell you the situation after I untack Angel" I quietly said he nodded furrowing his eyebrows together, I look away from him my heart feeling as if it was ripping with all that has happened, I walked Angel out of the arena and untacked her and turned her out back in the paddock, then I walked back over to were Trevor was I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw him sitting at the tree were we had our first kiss and confessed that we liked each other and then he asked me on a date,,,tears rushed to the surface and my heart felt like it shattered into pieces, I blinked the tears back and shook my head now is not the time. I walked over and sat beside him while playing with my fingers, looking down at my lap.

"So...um what's this situation?" He asked timidly, I sighed shutting my eyes biting my lip, I open my eyes and looked at him once again my heart felt heavy with the heartbreak that he caused.

"Well...Yesterday I went home after.,we had our fight you and I... And um.. my dad told me to read this newspaper and on it had how I won the Regional's and Angel and I's story on there, After I was done reading it My dad and I had a fight cause I had never told him about Angel... you know that, anyway we had this huge fight about it and then...he said he was going to ..s.sell Angel and I said 'No you can't' and then he said 'I can and I will' and then I said that I wouldn't tell him were Angel was at and he got even more furious and we got into this huge fight and then he stormed upstairs... and then today I had gotten on Angel and was trying to get my foot in the stirrup when dad popped out of nowhere and yelled, Angel spooked and reared and I fell, then dad and I got into yet another fight about him trying to sell Angel, then he left, and so I need a plan to protect Angel so she won't get sold" I said out of breath once I was done talking, I felt guilty not telling him how my dad hit me and chocked me and almost killed me but I just can't tell him that.... I looked up at Trevor and he looked down at me worried, saddened,caring, lovingly and mad. and he acted as if he was going to hug me but pulled back and squeezed my shoulder instead I jumped at the sparks that followed with his touch he tensed too, my heart did the throb of heartbreak again making me look away from him and bite my lip to keep my tears at bay..

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