chapter nine

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this day is definitely going into the top ten in eddy's lifetime. if he hadn't been in public, he'd probably be screaming his head off, but thank god he's got some semblance of decency left in him, because that would have been all too embarrassing.

the orchestra has reached out to him. he's been accepted—no, invited—to be their soloist for the upcoming concert, his name up there in star-studded lights. he's achieved what he's set out to do, and the very thought is like a caffeine shot straight to the heart: wild and riotous jubilation.

the best thing about this, if eddy is to be completely honest, is that he gets to share his joy with someone else, someone he trusts and can be happy for just as they can be happy for him. he's—never really had anyone like that before, until brett yang, and god, he's just so, so thankful.

[4:07] brett yang: I GOT IN!!!!! :))))))

[4:09] eddy chen: me too!! :D position?

[4:10] brett yang: hear this, peasant

[4:10] brett yang: i, emperor yang and your new concertmaster, will be seeing you at the palace soon

eddy slaps a hand over his mouth, but it is too late to quell the bubbling laughter spilling over into the open air of the train car. he's so startlingly loud that the woman seated beside him inches away discreetly. eddy's too far gone in his amusement to care.

what a dreamboat brett yang is. he hasn't laughed like that in public for ages.

[4:12] eddy chen: i'm honored, your majesty

[4:12] eddy chen: as your soloist, i bring gifts from a distant land to your court

[4:15] brett yang: OMG

[4:15] brett yang: BRO

[4:16] brett yang: you should've started with that! congratulations!! :)))

[4:17] eddy chen: thanks, and you too! oh my god. . . i'm so happy, i'm ready to cry here on the train

[4:18] brett yang: awww that's okay! take a pic for posterity's sake

[4:20] eddy chen: you absolute monster >.<

[4:21] brett yang: and your new emperor, lest you forget :))))

he's spent so much time grinning at his phone like a loon that he's probably alienated the grannies on the train at this point, and he even almost misses his station, but eddy's heart is buoyant and joyous, and really, that's all he needs right now.

• • •

later on, he goes over his scales without much thought, staring blankly at the darkened sky and its shimmering stars from beyond his window. here in the ungodly hours, the apartment feels all too cold, too empty, too—lonely. just as he is about to reminiscence about his past and all the dark clouds that action brings, his phone pings: a text notification.

[11:27] brett yang: night eddy

warmth blooms in eddy's chest. his fingers move of their own accord, pressing the call button as his free hand reaches for the violin he had put down to check his mobile. brett picks up after the second ring.


a faint, mischievous smile curls on eddy's lips, and he begins to play the first notes of brahms' lullaby, grin widening as choked-off laughter rings out from the other end of the call. "sorry. i was going to play fugue, but then i realized i couldn't play it as good as you."

"you liar, the hell you even saying, as if you can't play it better," brett grumbles, and that's the last straw: eddy chuckles loudly, the music abruptly cutting off as he clutches his stomach, his body shaking. "yeah, yeah, keep going. we'll see who's laughing at rehearsals, you show-off."

"forgive me, oh great emperor yang," eddy replies, tapering off his laughter, opting to grin aimlessly in the dim light like a lunatic. "was merely looking for an offering to gift you tonight."

"great, approved; now go to sleep, you idiot." 

eddy nods, even though brett can't see him, and then hums in agreement. "yeah, okay. good night, brett."

music flits over from the other end, brett picking up where he had left off, finishing the piece: a lullaby completed. eddy falls asleep with that last high note ringing in his ears, sending him off to the land of dreams like nothing else ever has before.

it's a good night, indeed.

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