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Start from the beginning

"I don't know, my brothers aren't the brightest at doing things, so it's possible." Ron shrugs.

That's when you hear an unexpected screech echo through your ears. Unexpected but dreadfully familiar.

"Did you try to poison me?" He asked, tapping his foot on the ground. You were baffled how he knew, but you tried your best to mask your shock.

"What are you talking about?" You lie with a furrowed, confused expression present.

"Oh, please! The potion in my afternoon croissant!" He scoffed.

How could he possibly know that? Did he see you put it in his food? Was he telepathic?

"How in the world do you know?" You ask him, Ron's jaw on the floor.

"You'd be surprised how many times people have tried poisoning me, so I always check my food with a spell that lets me know." Draco crossed his arms.

"Not so surprising." Ron whispered to Harry, who stifled a laugh.

"Shut it, Weasley!" Draco warned Ron.

Ron chuckled before threatening him with a "or what?"

"You think this is funny?" Draco licked his bottom lip.

"Fuck off, Malfoy." You pushed him away from Ron, your hand on his chest. Your heart skipped a beat, feeling the toned muscle underneath. You retracted your hand immediately after.

"You know what, Y/n? You're the problem. Weasley, Granger, and Potter may be annoying, but they don't actively bother me. You, on the other hand, are a nuisance. If I were you, I'd watch my back from now on." He turned around and slammed his books onto his desk.

Your friends all just stared at you. You stood quiet, taking your seat. You have a bad feeling about this.

The next morning, you woke up and went to go brush your teeth. As you walked into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror, you gasped. Your entire head was bright, fucking, neon. You looked like a construction worker's vest.

Malfoy. Fucking Malfoy. You were gonna murder him.

You began to plot your revenge, thinking of the perfect prank to pull on Draco. You want to make it something memorable, something that he won't soon forget. Something similar to what he did to you, you made the punishment fit the crime.

Early the next morning, you're walking down the hallways of Hogwarts when you see Draco walking towards his dorm, his head held high as always. You know this is your chance, and you quickly cast a spell that gives him pig ears.

Draco wakes up early in the morning, which is why he was just returning back to his dorm to get ready for the day. You knew this because you unintentionally had his schedule memorized. As he's brushing his teeth, he notices that something feels a bit off, but he can't quite put his finger on it.

He continues with his morning routine, getting dressed and grabbing his books for the day. As he's walking through the hallways, he starts to notice that people are staring at him, but it's nothing out of the usual.

It's not until he reaches the Great Hall for breakfast that he realizes something is seriously wrong. Crabbe and Goyle burst out laughing as soon as they see him, and Draco is completely bewildered.

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