Ch. 1

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Rick and Morty walked out of a green portal. Morty looked around, though there were trees going on for miles in every direction. Rick was taking a drink from his flask.

"Uh Rick, I.. I thought we were going to Blits and Chips?" Morty asked, stuttering slightly. 

"We were Mo-Eurp-rty," Rick said as he looked at his portal gun. "But this peice of shit po..burp..rtal gun is.. is broken."

"Ah geeze Rick d..does that m..mean we won't be to get home?" Morty stuttered helplessly. 

Rick put the flask again to his mouth, taking a drink from it. "Possible M..Morty burp. I..I'll figure out but f-EUrp-or now we're stuck here in this dimension."

"Ah geeze Rick..." Mort said as he looked around again, watching for signs directing them to civilization. Until he saw an arrow shaped sign, there was another sign under it that read '"The Mystery Shack."' "Uh.. Rick?" Morty asked.

"Yeah-EUrp Morty." Rick said looking towards Morty.

"Are we the dimension where the Pines lives?" Morty gestured his hand towards the sign.

Rick followed Morty's hand to the sign. "Ye.. burp..ah M..Morty." Rick took another drink of alcohol from his flask.

"Why.. why did the p..portal gun send us There are infinite realities and di..dimensions but it sent us here, Rick."

"How the fuck should I know EUrp-Morty? I've been sittin' here w..wondering why s..burp..ome giant monster hasn't c..come to eat our or..burp..gans or use us as a sacrifice to some burp..higher being."

" brought us here for a reason, Rick, I..I can f..feel it." Morty said as he followed the sign down a dirt path. Rick wasn't too far behind, taking a few more swigs from his flask.


Dipper was sitting in one of the isles of the Mystery Shack's gift shop. He had a notebook in one hand and a pen in the other. He was clicking the pen non stop, it had been a full three years since they destroyed Bill Cypher.

He looked down at the note, the only thing he had written down was "Bill Cypher" There was one bullet point under it but noting else, no obscured explication as to why the demonic dorito could still be alive.

Just then he heard the bell of the door opening. He jumped up, hoping to Stan or Ford or both of his Grunkles. He hadn't seen them in a week since they went hunting for monsters on the open seas.

What he wasn't expecting was to see a seventy year old man with blue hair and a lab coat. As well as a teenager with a yellow shirt and jeans. '"Must be tourists",' Dipper thought.

"Can I help you?" Dipper asked, his voice was cracking.  He was almost sixteen and his voice was still cracking.

"Yeah kid, my's Rick and this is my grandson, M..Morty. We need a..a pl-EUrp-ce to s..stay."

"Yeah.." Dipper said clicking his pen. "Uh.. Soos," Dipper called nervously. 

A tall overweight man wearing a black suit and a fez walked into the gift shop. "Yeah Dude?"

"Uh.. they," Dipper gestured at Rick and Morty, "wanted to know if they could stay in the Mystery Shack."

"Sure dudes." Soos said giving Rick and Morty a quick glance.

Mabel ran into the gift shop. "I heard stay and Mystery Shack in the same sentence! Are we have a sleep over?" Mabel asked with a large smile. She looked over at Rick and Morty. "An old guy with blue hair, wearing a nerd coat and a cute guy wearing a yellow shirt." Mabel's smile grew wider, showing off her dimples. "That settles it!" She yelled happily. "I'm calling Candy and Grenada. We're going to have a sleep over with a makeover!" Mabel squealed running for the phone, running through the door with the sign that said employees only.

Dipper looked over at Rick and Morty for any type of reaction. He knew that her sister could get over excited about these types of things.

"I'm not dres-EUrp-sing up or wearing makeup-EUrp." Rick said taking a swig from his flask.

Dipper looked over at Morty. "Ah geeze Rick, did she just call me cute?"

"Looks l-Eurp-ike some..someone's getting laid tonight. Am.. Am I right-EUrp Morty?" Rick said, looking down at his grandson, Morty and smirking.

"No Rick, ew. I'd rather date Jessica." Morty said.

"I'm sure she'd l-EUrp-ove to suck're dick." Rick said.

Dipper's face turned into a disgusted frown so he went to go and pick his noteback up from behind one of the shelves that were filled with gifts. He began to click his pen as he picked up his notebook from the floor.

"Fuck off Rick." Morty said walking towards the shelves of junk. Morty looked at a small statue that looked like some dead animal parts ere sewn together. There was s folded piece of paper just below it that said one million dollars. "Do people actually buy into this shit? It looks so god damn fake." Morty mumbled.

"Yeah, it's pretty fake, but people believe it," a nonchalant voice said.

Morty looked at the person who owned the voice. It was a teenage girl with red hair and forest green eyes. She was wearing a plaid shirt, pants, and boots. "H..hey, my name's Morty."

"Wendy, so you're staying in here in Gravity Falls?" Wendy asked.

"Yeah, me and my gr..grandpa, Rick." Morty said.

"That's so cool man. We should hang out sometime," Wendy said punching Morty lightly on the shoulder.

Morty rubbed his shoulder, "Y..yeah we should." Morty looked up at Wendy, her forest green eyes hypnotic. 


This is a new story that I'm publishing. Can't wait for the new season of Rick and Morty to come out. Also, I hope you all enjoy this story.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2019 ⏰

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