What A Happy Family Reunion

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Chapter Fifteen
~Violet's POV~

I never thought that waking up at eight am would be a relief, but each day that I don't wake up at four in the bloody morning is such a great feeling. I don't even know how many mornings have been started way too early recently, but I do know that I kind of regret declaring a prank war. Luckily, today is one of the days that Jax and I decided to take off so I don't wake up until Tee shakes me awake. I look around groggily.

"Jax already left. Are you guys seriously still not talking?" She looks at me as if I'm stupid.

"I'm pissed off. The more I think about it, the angrier I get." I explain, thinking rationally. He shouldn't have put me through that. If he had to get drunk, he could've stayed away. Honestly, though, he should've come back when he had seen her and talked to me. Alcohol isn't the answer. I let the part of him getting drunk go, though. I thought that was the end of it? Until she pops up and it's all brought back up. If he had to go get drunk because he saw her, what does that say? It definitely doesn't feel like we should be together. It just feels like he's not over her and that is not okay with me. If he isn't over his ex, he shouldn't be with me. I never even knew she existed before all of this. I have told him almost every piece of my past and as I think back, I'm not sure what he's told me. I don't know anything about his past relationships - well I guess I know about one ex now - so yes, I am pissed off at him. These are the conversations we're supposed to have. I'm not supposed to find out the way that I did. He should be able to talk to me as openly as I talk to him and the fact that he can't, that's a problem. Until he can grow up and talk to me like an adult, I'm going to be pissed.

"All because he knew Clara was in town? That's ridiculous." She tries to reason - just as she has everyday for the past three.

"Drop it, Tee. We will never agree on this." I say, getting out of bed. Jax and I may not have a prank lined up, but I do. This isn't even just a prank, this is my bitterness coming to light. They all want to stay in this evil arse town? Great. I'll make them extremely paranoid while they are living their lives here - and I will be laughing every second of it.

"Where are you going?" She questions once I come out of my closet in a navy blue tank and jean shorts.

"I just want to be alone. I want to explore and get air." I shrug. I go to my bathroom, brushing my hair, before going back to my room and slipping into navy converse. I grab up my phone and keys, before heading out of the house. I take a little stroll down the street. I just need to be gone long enough to raise suspicion.

I get it a good hour, before deciding to make my first communication with Teegan.

Oh my waters! Teegan, I just saw someone who was looking at me all suspiciously and then I swear, I saw my mom talking to him not but a few moments later. I am scared.

'Where are you?!'

Even through telepathy, she's demanding.

I don't know. What should I do?


It's not too much longer, before they are all blowing up my phone. I ignore it. I want to make them stress just slightly. I am very petty. I won't let it go on long - maybe five or ten minutes max. Before I have time to grab out my phone, I'm grabbed from behind. I go to scream, but my mouth is covered. The muffled sound escapes my mouth, desperate for someone to notice - but no one is around. I'm crying and fighting, desperate to escape them, but nothing works. I can't even use magic with my arms restrained - even if I tried, what do I have that would work?

Whoever's behind me, pushing me head first into a white van and closes the door, before I can see their face. I'm just laying in the pitch black darkness, scared and alone. I get up, trying to find a way out, but there's nothing. There is just darkness. A lot of darkness.

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