Relief floods over me. At least she's still in town, and not half way across the globe.

I give Zander a mischievous look. I raise my hand, facing it towards the wall, keeping the diner in mind. In the blink of an eye, a portal opens. I hold my hand out towards Zander, "shall we?" I smirk. He widens his eyes momentarily, shocked, but places his hand in mine, nonetheless. I give a tight squeeze, "I hope we make it there." I shake my head, right before walking through the portal, with my supportive boyfriend by my side.

I have seen movies of magic and such, I have seen how some people think of portals. In many cases, it's a swirling windwhirl that you fly through until you get to the other side. But, in reality, you walk through it, and immediately get to your destination. Just but a mere ten seconds ago, we were stepping through the portal. Now, we stumble as we transport to the front of Jewels and Gems. I look to my left, my mind playing with words. I stare at Zander bewildered, as he stares at me with astonishment. "Oh, yes. I just did that." I sass, giving him a cheeky wink. He laughs, rolling his eyes. "Let's go, you minx." He gives me a playful grin, dragging me into the quaint diner.

Once we get through the metal door, we both look around for Violet. And there she is, sitting at a booth at the very far right side of this vintage diner. He and I both make our way to her. She looks up to us, and narrow her eyes. "You scandalous little bleach!" She hisses, causing me to bark out a small laugh. "Where's Jaxton?" She asks as Zander and I slide into the booth across from her. Zander chuckles, shaking his head. "No idea."

Vi gasps, her blue eyes looking at me profoundly, "did you cast him through one of your portals, as well!?" She questions, slamming her hands on the table. I roll my eyes, "no, you git! Zander and I came here through a portal, and he drove." I inform, feeling proud of myself.

She quirks her eyebrow, "how long until he gets here?"

Zander shrugs, "I'm not even sure he has the slightest of idea where to go." He smiles, properly amused. Violet opens her mouth, most likely getting ready to let him have it, but I interrupt. "He took off, assuming we would follow, but we went through a portal instead. So he never got directions." Laughter erupts me.

She stares at me, and I expect her to blow up. But, rather, she laughs. She throws her head back and laughs. Zander and I share a look of confusion, before joining in.

We sit there for a good ten more minutes, just laughing, before Jaxton comes bursting through the door. He angrily looks around, and once his cold, brown eyes spot us, he balls his fists and stalks to our table. Zander shoots us an apologetic look before disappearing. "Bloody bastard!" I hiss, not one bit liking how my boyfriend abandoned me. I would understand if he abandoned Violet, and saved me. But abandoning me!? That is most certainly not okay!

Vi urgently reaches her hand out to me, trying to not to laugh too much. "Grab my hand!" She demands through her laughter. I place my hand in hers, laughing myself. What she intends to do? I haven't the slightest clue. But, I go along with it. I avert my gaze to my left and see an angry Jax nearly to us. Then, within a blink of an eye, he was gone. And we were standing outside, in the middle of the clearing where we always go to practice magic. I gape up to Vi, "YOU CAN TELEPORT ON COMMAND, NOW!?" I exclaim, more than shocked.

"Fancy to see what else we can do?" She suggests. I stare at her, surprised. She's actually wanting to practice? She turned her back on magic, again. I don't understand why she would want to practice.

"Truly?" I ask, still not believing it. She nods, "I've been practicing small things. When I'm alone and I can't harm anyone. I want to see what else I can do! In order for it not to be a threat to us, we must control it. So we must practice, but only small magic." I pull her into a tight embrace, "let's do it!" 

"Watch this." She says confidently, snapping her fingers and making a mirror appear in thin air. She waves her hand in front of it, and a picture starts to form. It's the boys! She waves her hand again, and it starts moving. The boys are driving, looking for us! She snaps and the mirror disappears.

I look at her to see she's already grinning, "Vi, that's so neat!" I praise, fascinated. She nods, "I know! Now, you do something."

I inhale and lift my right hand up, causing little rocks around us to float up and hover my hand. I twirl my finger and they start orbiting my finger. I'm manipulating their gravity! I smile, pleased with myself. "Are you controlling gravity?" Vi asks, appalled. I give her a self content grin, answering her question, and drop my hand, allowing the rocks to fall.

She picks up one of rocks and closes her fists around it. I watch her closely, curious to see what she's about to do. She opens her hand, and in her palm sits not one, but two rocks. Completely identical to one another. She duplicated the rock! She stares down at the rocks and excitedly jumps up. I laugh, I don't know why that's such a shock - considering all of the other powers we possess. But, I let her have her moment of bliss, just glad she's even here practicing with me.

Waving her hand at me, she encourages me to have a go.  I shrug and hold my hand out, slowly bringing it up. "I honestly don't know what I'm doing." I say, I half expect fire to come out, but no. A hologram of Iris escapes my hand. Standing in my palm, is a pixelated picture of my dead baby sister. She's looking at me with big, happy eyes. "Tee?" She asks, reaching her small hand out to me. Tears make their way down my face, I wordlessly stare at the beautiful little girl standing on my hand. "Iris?" Vi softly breathes out, stepping closer. "Vi! You're both here!" Iris squeals, giving us a big smile.

"Princess, it's really you?" I sob, using my free hand to cover my mouth. "Yes!" She enthusiastically nod. "How?" Vi asks, silent tears falling.

Iris gives us a complex look, "I don't know. I was playing with my friend Olivia and then I heard your voice, Tee. I heard you say you don't know what you're doing - so I followed your voice and here I am!" She cheers holding her arms out.

Violet lets out a cry, giving me an unhinged look. I turn my attention back to Iris, "princess, where is everyone else?" I question, giving her a smile.

My little angel is here. I'm talking to my baby.

"Oh, they're all home! Mummy said I can go play for a little." She says, looking delighted. But, then her smile drops, "why aren't you guys with us? We all miss you." Her sad voice hit me like a bloody bullet. I can physically feel my heart breaking. She doesn't know what's going on. Vi and I share an aching look, "princ-" I start, but get cut off.

"Iris? Iris dear! Time for you to come home!" A welcoming voice echos. I gasp, that's mother's voice! Mother is truly there! A painful sob erupts me, making my body tremble. My family, they're together.

"I've got to go, now! I love you, Tee and Vi!" Iris blows us a kiss, before vanishing. "No! Iris! Come back!" I cry out, my tears falling in an unbroken waterfall.

"Get her back, Tee!" Violet wails, grabbing at my arm. I shake my head. She's gone. She left us, again. I clamp my hand closed, "they're together, Vi." I sniffle, hugging her. She shakes in my arms, desperately grabbing my shirt. "I miss them so much, Teegan."

I nod, "I do, t-too." I choke up, feeling the heartbreak and pain of their deaths come swarming back.

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