Chapter 23

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It's been two weeks since selena has passed away, noone really heard about Harry except for bob. Nina and demi are still friends and the worst part was Mandy and Ricardo had to tell Gracie that her sister has died, Gracie cried and Mandy and Ricardo have been seeing eachother, Ricardo has been with Gracie more often and they hang out a lot, Ricardo said she reminds her of selena when she was young, they all miss selena but today was their closure, today was selena funeral and everyone was going...well almost everyone...

Bob: What do you mean your not going??

Harry: I can't! I lost selena and now you want me to have closure?? I can't let selena go...

Bob: Harry you been shutting everyone out, everyone wants to see you, go to her funeral

Harry: I just....can't I'm sorry

Harry closed the door on Bob face and went back to his room and closed the door as he cried onto the palm of his hand, he has been a mess.

Nina was crying as she applied her make-up on as her make-up kept ruining. She put her make up down and cried

Demi: Here, I'll help you

Demi walked to Nina and she helped her with the make-up

Nina: sometime I wish this was all a dream, like selena would be here and she's just hiding I don't want to forget about her

Demi: how could we forget about our sister, she's selena Gomez, right now she's smiling down at us smiling

Demi was right because even though they can't see selena, selena is right beside them her hands on Nina shoulder and she's standing there smiling at her friends

Nina: I guess so, come on let's put our dresses

Never in a million years they thought they would go to a funeral of their best friends maybe in the future but never so soon..

Everyone entered the funeral, you could litterly smell the present of death lingering through them, they never really liked furneral but for selena they were willing to do it

Funeral guy: Everyone Please Take a seat..

They all took a seat as the see the casket open with selena body inside.

Funeral guy: We are here today for a special girl who had made us smile, cry, and love. We all are gathered here today to say goodbye to a young girl name selena Gomez who has been fighting with lekimum cancer but unfortunately she's couldn't fight it no more. Now with some words of her family.

Mandy and Ricardo got up and walked to the stage as Mandy wanted to curl under a ball and cry, she was her daughter and she wasn't their nomore

Mandy: Selena was a bright women *cries* she was so kind and warm-hearted *cries*She was my daughter and now she's gone

Ricardo: My daughter was the most unique girl you will ever meet, she was smart and beautiful and I'm going to miss her

Ricardo and Mandy started to cry as they got off. After people talked about how wonderful selena was, after  they carried selena casket to the burial site. Before they burried selena they see Harry running.

Harry: WAIITT!!!!

everyone stopped what they were doing and Harry catches his breath

Bob: you came

Harry: I needed to, I have something to say!

Mandy: Go Ahead

Harry: you lied to me, you said you wanted to be with me? You told me you loved me but I came to realize something you never lied to me, you did want to be with me, and you did tell me you loved me. You once told me " I won't be gone, Harry I'm going to be in the wind, the stars wherever you look I'm going to be everywhere!!" That's when I was confused until now, I knew what you ment, you ment that no matter where you are, or how far you really are, your not far from your home because your home is with us, where your home and I know you would never leave us, but you did and I wasn't ready for you to leave, I want you here with us. But your Gone and now your just a Memory a very good memory where you made me smile and laugh, you where my happiness, this isn't a goodbye this Is a see ya later because I will see you again one way or another, I love you selena Marie Gomez

Everyone had tears in their eyes as Harry knealed down and kissed the rose and placed it on top of her casket as tears streamed down his face he got up and see Nina putting her head on bob shoulder crying, I walked to demi hugging her as she cried, I will never forget you selena. NEVER!!!!


Harry walked up to the cemetery where the girl he loved was burried, he knealed down and kissed the rose and placed it on the ground reading the gravestone

                     Selena,Marie Gomez
            Loved one, Friend and Daughter
                              1992- 2010

Harry reached into his pocket and took out a beautiful ring with a crystal clear small diamond on top, he kissed the top of it

Harry: Hey lovely, this was the day I planned on asking you to be my wife, The day We First met but I can't now but, I want you to have the ring, because it was yours, I love you selena, I nevered stopped loving you, your where the one.

Selena walked up to him, although he couldn't see her, she smiled because she never stopped loving Harry, she looked down at the ring

Selena: I would love to be your wife Harry!, I love you aswell! I nevered stopped

Harry dugged a whole and placed the ring inside the dirt and hided it as he got up

Harry: I'll see you soon!

Selena: and I'll be waiting my love!

The End!!!

Wow, THANKS SO MUCH for reading this book, this book was far different from what I usually write... At first I didn't want to make selena have cancer but then I thought about it.... And it just happened, it was going perfectly! I never wanted selena to die but I thought about? And I noticed every book people write they usually make the person survive cancer so I tried something different, I think this is my favourite book I writen so far, because its so different and I aahhh I just lovvee it!!!!!

Thanks so much on the support I had on this book! It ment so much to me that people was actually reading this book, you guys really are amazing! I love you all!!!!

Picture: I actually Made it myself!:D

Song: My Immortal by: Evanescence


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