Chapter 12

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Harry's eyes met selena, he really wanted to run up to her and kiss her but he couldn't not until she tells him EVERYTHING!!!!!

Selena: Harry??

Harry looked at her with no expression, and he noticed something Her hair, he really loved her haircut and that's why he didn't know it was selena it the first place

Selena: How are you??

Harry scoffed

Harry: your really asking me how am I?? Well I don't know... You broke my heart!!

Selena just stood there

Harry: where you just playing with my emotions--

Selena: No!!!

Harry: did you even like me??

Selena stayed quite, she did like him but..

Harry: did you??? Your shattered my heart selena!!! Your an awful person!!!!

That broke selena, she couldn't take it nomore, she ran off to the bathroom. Harry felt guilt he didn't know what he was saying

Demi: your a dick!!! You don't even know what the hell is going on in her life!!!!

Harry: I suppose you do??? You are all Hippocrates!!! You were suppost to be my best friends!!! But you all lied to me your all awful!!!

Harry wanted to shut up but with the demon that's inside him is making it all come out, he was so angry


Nina and demi ran off finding selena leaving Harry, he bend down

Harry: What have I done!!! I was angry!!!

Selena was crying her eyes out, she was the nicest person out there!!! And Harry came and ruined her, she knew Harry was right though!! But she couldn't tell him!!!

Demi&Nina: Selena?

Selena: Go Away!!!

Demi: Don't shut us out!! Remember what your father said??

Selena: I don't care, I want to end my life!!!

Demi: you don't mean that!!!

Selena came out of the stall


Selena was litterly pulling her hair but Nina stopped her

Nina: Selena stop!!! We love you and we don't want you gone

Nina started crying and that when selena looked at her two best friends and hugged them

Selena: im sorry!!, I'm...I got to go!!

Selena ran out and out the school door when she bumped into someone

Selena: im sorry!!

Selena kept running until someone shouted her name

Person: Selena!!!

Selena stopped, she was in the curb of the side walk she turned around and faced Harry

Harry: selena??

Selena: Leave me alone!!

Harry: im sorry, selena stop what your doing!!

Selena: I'm going to kill myself!!!

Harry: Don't selena you will break my heart!!

Harry was coming closer and closer

Harry: think what your doing selena!!

All of a sudden demi & Nina came out

Demi&Nina: Selena!!! DONT!!!

they both started crying, selena tears were falling down

Selena: I want to end my life...

Harry: Selena we all care about you!!!

Selena: I Hate Myself!!! I hate my body!!! I hate how I feel,l hate EVERYTHING!!!!

harry: But We Love Everything!! We love all your little things

Selena shook her head

Selena: you just don't get it!!

Selena was now whispering as she was crying. Harry was just inches away from her

Harry: What don't I get??

Selena: Harry im dying!!

Harry looked at her shocked, he couldn't believe what was coming, he didn't believe it!!

Harry: no selena your not!! Selena your here, selena I love you!!

Selena smiled, Harry finally said he loved her. Nina and demi were holding onto eachother

Demi: We all love you selena!!!

Nina: please selena!!!

Selena was crying!!

Harry: selena, I LOVE YOU!!!! It was always you, the first time I met you!!! The day we bumped into eachother!! They day we had fun at sea with bob and the girls, the day we went scuba diving!!! Til the day I kissed you, until now selena I love you!! I still do and I won't live with myself if you die!!!

Selena was crying

Selena: I'm dying!!

Harry: your not!!!


harry eyes widen as the girls cried

Harry: wha-what??

Selena: I have cancer!!

Suddenly a bus came which caused selena to fly but Harry caught her in his arms selena opened her eyes and looked at Harry

Selena: I'm sorry I didn't tell you!!

As selena shuttered her eyes, Harry started shaking her

Harry: Selena??SELENA!!! NONONO SELENA!!!

Demi: selena!! Omg Nina call the ambulance!!!

Nina took out her cellphone and dialled the cops. She asked for a ambulance and there on their way


Oh no!!! Harry know!!!! What about selena??? Will she be okay???

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