Chapter 5

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A/N: Even though I didn't get much comments, I couldn't wait so I decided to update today... So thank you for commenting and voting

Here's chapter 5

Read & Enjoy

Selena walked downstairs in a long blue dress, her hair is straighten and down

Mandy: I'm sorry baby for yelling, its just I get anxious when we have guest, but you look lovely

Selena let's out a laugh and smiles

Selena: Don't I always

All of a sudden something tugs on selena dress, she looks down and sees her baby sister Gracie, selena picks her up

Selena: Gracie!! Hii beautiful!!, wow you look, wooow!!

Gracie smiles and gurgles at selena as Mandy takes her from selena

Mandy: Doesn't she always

Selena laughs

Selena: Nice one mom

All of a sudden the door Bell rings, selena hasn't noticed but her nose started bleeding

Mandy: Oh dear, selena, your noise is bleeding

Selena touches her nose and sees blood, her eyes widen in shock

Selena: ill get that clean now, I'm sorry I'll be back

Mandy: You sure your okay?

Selena: Mom stop worrying about me, I'm fine

Selena walks off to the bathroom and cleans herself up once she comes out the door hits someone

Person: Ow!!

Selena: Oh gosh, I'm sorry, I'm clumsy

Person: Selena?

Selena looks up and her eyes meet the beautiful green eyes

Selena: Harry?, what are you doing here?

Harry: Were your guest

Selena: Seriously?

And harry nods

Harry: Small World

And selena nods

Selena: and getting smaller

They both let out a chuckle

Selena: Sorry you need to go?

Harry looks down, selena let's out a laugh and moves away as she walks off to the dinning room

Harry enteres the bathroom, but what he sees shocks him, he sees napkins with blood and he doesn't know what it could be, and he doesn't even want to know, he does his business, washes his hand and comes out

He makes his way to the dinning area

Anne: Harry you okay

Harry looks at Anne and nodded

Harry: Yes mum

Selena: Mum?

Harry smiles

Harry: its just a British thing, its like mum, but I say mum since I'm British

Selena nodded and smiled, after dinner selena picked up Gracie

Harry: She's Beautiful

Selena looks at him And smiles

Selena: Am I

And harry laughs

Harry: I ment Gracie, but you are two

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