Chapter 1

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Selena alarm rings as she slams it and looks its 9 o'clock

Selena: Shit

Selena immediately gets up and go to her closet as she goes through her clothes, she ends up finding a light blue skinny jeans and she puts on a red heart sweater, she put them on quickly and goes to her big long mirror as she gets her comb and untangles her hair as she put it up in a messy bun and runs Downstairs, she quickly put on my shoes and grabs her bag as she run out the door and make her  way to her car, she unlock the door and jump in as she inject my car keys and drive off to school

Once she got to school, she opens her door and comes out as she grabs her bag from the passenger seat and takes it outside as she goes to the black and gets her black purse and gets out her pink lip gloss and puts some on and puts it in her bag and runs inside the school as she was running to find her locker, she grabs her books and run to  class. she notices they are in the computer lad she groans and turns around as she bumps into someone and her books fall

Selena: Fuck

Selena cursed as she bend down and picked up her bag as the person she bumped into helped her pick up her books, she gets up and sees the boy who bumped into her

Harry: I'm sorry, I wasn't looking

selena: It's okay, your not alone on that,

Harry handed her the books and she smiles

Selena: Thanks, I'm selena Gomez

selena introduced herself as Harry smiled

Harry: nice to meet you, I'm Harry styles

selena smiled as she waved bye and ran to her class, she enters her classroom and her two best friends looks at her with sadness, every single time selena looks at them, they always look at her with sadness

Harry: Looks Like where in the same class

selena turns around and sees Harry she crosses her arms and smiles at him

Selena: Hi

Harry: Hello

Harry couldn't help but smile, Harry thinks selena is soo beautiful, the way she looks at him, with amusement, her eyes sparkling at him, selena smiled and Harry fell in love with that smile

Mrs.Perks: Take your seat miss Gomez and Mr.Styles

Selena and Harry exchange looks as they made there way to their seat although for Harry we walked to Mrs.perks

Harry: Hi, I'm new to this school, I'm Harry, I'm in this class

Mrs.Perks: Welcome, but I hate tardiness

Harry nodded and understood

Harry: Won't happen again?

Mrs.perks nodded her head as Harry turned around and looked at selena as she smiled and she looked at her friend, Harry walked up to them

Harry: Mind me sitting here

Selena, demi and Nina look up and smiled

Demi: Go Ahead

Harry smiled and looked at selena as she smiled

Demi: How Are you Feeling?

selena sighed, she knew her friends would ask

Selena: I'm Fine, I don't need you guys to check on me

Nina: Yeah we do, sel were your friends and we care

Selena: I know, but I need space also, I'm not dieing

Demi mumbled something but selena didn't hear well

Demi: Okay, what's your plans today?

Selena: I'm going out

Nina: With Who?

selena sighed she hates giving explanation to people, she knows her friends care but she couldn't take it anymore, selena looked around and saw harry looking at the board as she smiled

Selena: With My New Friend Harry Styles

Selena put her arms around his shoulder as she smiled, Harry didn't know what was going on but he agreed

Harry: Right

Nina: Is It A Date?

Selena and harry eyes widen

Selena: Of Course not, were just hanging

Nina: Great, then we can come


Selena: Of course NOT

Demi: Selena we can't let you go on your own, and you know why

Harry was now confused, selena looked at her friend with annoyance

Selena: I wished I Never Told You Guys

Nina: But you did because you love us

Selena: More like can't stand you guys

Harry: I'm confused, what's going on

Selena, Demi, Nina: Nothing

Harry looked at them weirdly and just shooked it off, he wasn't going to argue with them, especially since he's new and he doesnt know anyone, and there his friends

Selena: So where are we going?

Harry: I...uh...I don't know, I just moved here

selena and the girls smiled

Nina: We know a place

Harry: Really, okay cool, where?

Demi: Just meet us at this address *Demi hands Harry a piece of paper* and we will go from there, 5 dont be late?

Harry nodded as selena smiled like a little kid

Harry: What should I Wear?

Harry asked because he didn't know what to wear

Selena: Sunscreen, a towel and spare clothes

Harry looked at her weirdly but nodded

Nina: Great, yay, oh Harry right *Harry nodded* once you hang with us, there's no turning back

Harry laughed

Mrs.Perks: I'm so close of giving you all detentions, be quite, I'm teaching a class, who actually wants to learn

Selena: Sorry, won't happen again

as they all secretly laughed quietly

Harry: Okay..


First Chapter, I'm sooo excitedly, I'm trying not to give away selena secret so fast by the way... did you guys like this? I'm actually excited to write this

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