"So, how are we gonna clean... all this?" There were Pizza boxes scattered all over the floor, don't ask how but in one night we had 5 pizzas... and we didn't finish all of them. Everything was covered in feathers, in such a way that if you just sneezed you would start a feather storm. Not to mention the couches that had been turned upside down, the couch that had been blown up and whose pieces were all over the living room floor and table.

I don't even dare to look up because I was sure there were pieces of Pizza hanging from the ceiling. How? I don't know. Probably has to do with the fact that we decided to have a pillow fight with our powers.

The only parts of the apartment that were still livable were the storage room, the bathrooms and Virgil/Eduardo's room. Everything else looked like a hurricane puked on us. Lovably first day to say the least.

"Yeah, how do we clean all this?"

"Uh... magic?"

"Dude, no."

"I absolutely forbid the usage of our powers!" I turned to Virgil and lifted up an accusing finger. "You boys started the power fight last night, and our powers would only help to make things... worse."


"Not to mention the fact that we have a blown up couch, that we're gonna have to replace."


"An-" My speech was cut short by a hand being placed over my mouth.

"Let the guy finish. It's too early for speeches. Especially from you." Tye removed his hand, crossed his arms and turned back to Virgil. "Continue." I pouted and crossed my arms.

"I never said to use our powers. But we do have to work together, or else this place'll never be cleaned."

"This is a team building thing... isn't it?" Virgil and turned his back and went to grab something.

"Never said that!" I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, you're the boss. What do we do-" Something hit me in the face before slowly floating to the ground. An empty trash bag. Oh, joy. 'Why can't they just say: Heads up! Or, Catch!?'

"We take care of the feathers first. They're everywhere. Literally."

You know that feeling you get when you've been cleaning for hours on end and you feel like you've accomplished nothing? Yeah, that's what I'm feeling. The urge to plumber someone to the ground grows every second.

We have, quite literally, been getting feathers out of every corner of this place. Every time we think we got them all, a bunch more just randomly appear. One of the times Ed was taking his trash bag to the door but accidentally sneezed on it... oh, the pain and agony. Feathers everywhere. The poor boy even got pale and ended up teleporting away while cursing in Spanish and saying that he gave up. Can't say I blame him.

Tye has already taken out three bags filled with feathers. Every time he returned looking even the slightest bit content... it would fade... and die. In the burning fires of hell. Because he'd open the front door for two seconds and see that the feathery mess that was our apartment... was still a feathery mess. He had already finished his room, so he decided to just give up and stay there. Screw if there were any extra feathers. He wanted peace.

Asami looked pure and utterly horrified with ever freaking bag that would appear in front of the front door. The pile of bags only got bigger and bigger, and the girl looked like she had just seen a ghost. We already finished our room, and we were, hopefully, finishing the hallway. After like the two hundredth bag, it was obvious that she wasn't going to hold up much longer since we both woke up early, didn't sleep for long, and we're going around the hallway like a bunch of crazy people trying to grab every last flying feather in the vicinity.

We finally finished the stupid hallway and Sam went to our room. After I pushed her in and said one of the few words I knew in Japanese: Yasumu or in other words Rest. Maria used to text this to me all the time when she knew I was up late. How she knew? Beyond me. There are mysteries better left unsolved.

I took the trash bags into the living room and left them by the front door. I switched my attention to Virgil who was trying to grab some feathers that seemed to enjoy flotation in the air just to mock him. I rolled my eyes and went to help him. He, of course, didn't protest. Help was help and it was needed.

The living room/kitchen/dining room area took about 2 more hours to finish. Well, finish taking out the feathers I mean. There was still the dead couch, pizza boxes and ceiling pizza. Ed and Tye had helped Virgil with this area in the beginning but, god damn was this place hard. By the end, we were popped. Dead on the inside and exhausted on the outside. Everyone else seemed to have crashed completely when they got to their beds. They were sleeping peacefully thanks to the lack of sleep from the night before.

Virgil and I decided to do the same, saying our goodnights and heading to our respective rooms. Oh yes, did I forget to mention that it's nighttime already? Because it is. We took the entire day... to clean feathers... Oh, sweet baby Jesus.

When I got to mine and Asami's shared room I saw her sleeping peacefully. 'Adorable.' I walked to my bed and face planted onto it. Comfortability wasn't necessary. Just sleep. Far too exhausted to care about anything. Just sleep. Nothing else.


Next chapter Preview:

"Anyone else see the second moon that casually just spawned in the sky?"

"Wait what?!"

I looked at him. "The second moon. Right there." I pointed towards the sky while the guys just gawked at me.

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