"Yeah. But why?" 

I speculated that he would refuse to answer my question but then he didn't.

"I just wanted to give him at least a memorable time in his life." he let out a sigh before expanding his answer. "I had a boring childhood. I don't want him to have the same."  It seems like our stony CEO had an instant connection with the kid and he wanted to be a father-figure to the child.

"I didn't know you have a soft side for kids. You know, deep down into your dark soul there's kindness hiding there. I'm surprised I surpassed working for you for a month and you still didn't fire me yet."

"I did almost want to fire you, especially when I was disappointed to see a man sitting on the secretary chair. Usually HR hires women but then I thought you're..."

I squinted at him. "I'm what?" would he dare say it. 

"You're... less emotional... since you're a man." Is he being sarcastic right now? "I didn't fire you even if you have your lapses and mistakes once in a while because I know you're smart and you always find a way to solve a problem."

"Thank you sir. This is the first time I actually  heard a compliment from you." I can't help but to smile widely but I didn't let him see that because I turned my head away from him and made it look like I am watching Alex on the carousel.

"That's because I like you." he added.

Excuse me what? My senses seemed to have stopped but my heartbeat is rapidly increasing.

"Among all my past secretaries, you're the one I like the most. You're not a shallow person and your concern towards me is a genuine one. To sum it all, you're not a suck up." Now I can finally close my gaping mouth. Phew. I thought he liked me in a romantic way. That would be a problem. I mean, why did I even assume that he would be interested in me right? I guess I was just surprised if he was indeed confessing to me because he was the straightest guy I ever met and the thought of him liking another guy is like having a glitch in the system.

"Now stop smiling like an idiot. This might be the last time I'm gonna praise you. You're still not safe from unemployment, take note of that." And there you go. To think that he's a changed man is a stretch.  I saw the carousel stopped so I waved to Alex for our direction.

"I want to try that!" Alex screamed when he arrived as he points to the nearby attraction. He even has the nerve to pull the hem of my boss' jacket. He was pointing to the bumper cars station. It was this time that I realized that Alex is now the boss of the day because we are now lining up to the dodgems.

Children 8 years old and below must be accompanied by their parents, that is why Alex chose Mr. Black to be his guardian. I didn't took it badly since children or people in general, really does not like me. There was no need for me to join them since the car is limited to 2 people only but I also don't want to miss the fun so the heck with it. If I want to play, I'll play. I was enjoying driving near the borders since I don't want to be colliding with other bumper cars but here comes Mr. Black who intentionally crash their dodgems to me.

"More! More!" Alex cheered. No wonder they get along; they're both a sadistic human being. I returned the favor to them and maneuvered my ride towards them. It almost threw the three us out of the car if we have't got our seat-belts on but they mostly took the hit since their car was thrown off balance. Take that suckers! I was laughing hysterically as I avoid them for the whole time until the buzzer rang indicating that our time is up.

"That was fun." I said as we exit.

"Are you hungry?" he just asking Alex but we both nodded as a response. We went to the nearby food corner. Mr. Black chose a healthy snack- a waffle sandwich with fruits in between. I'm not complaining since he's the one paying but he could at least pick something rubbish just for once like that big-ass burger filled with fries, bacon, steak, calamari and dipped in so much cheese that could give you a diarrhea or ice cream! I wanna live dangerously! Even though nibbled on waffle and had lemonade for beverage, it's still delectable. It's free lunch for me so I have no right to complain.

We rode more to different attractions. Sometime all of us. Sometimes it's only Alex. But every fun day ends. It's sad but at least you'll have the memories. When we got to the parking lot, Alex stopped walking and we got to go back to him when we noticed he's no longer with us.

"Can you be my dad? Cause you're the best person I have ever met."  he said to Mr. Black. Something about the way he said it evoked an inevitable surge of sympathy and emotions for the boy. It was obvious that he longs for the love of a father. Something that was deprived from him even at a young age. He didn't want this day to end because the time that he returns home, it will feel like all the magic and excitement you have experienced during the day will disappear and everything will feel dull and dreary like it used to be. I know that feeling.

Mr. Black crouched down to face the boy. "I'm sorry but I can't be your dad. You have your father and if he's no longer with you, someone else will come into your life who will love you greatly like his own son." 

"But why can't it be you?" Alex hugged Mr. Black and cried into his shoulder. The sight of them is making me emotional and I felt a teardrop fell from my eye. Mr. Black comforted the kid until he calmed down and  agreed to ride in the car. 

Alex fell asleep instantly and the car was back to silence with me and Mr. Black in front.

"Do you see yourself as a dad in the future?" I asked him. He's nearing his 30s and he still hasn't proposed to any of his girlfriends.

"Of course." he answered. Maybe he'll be the strict type or the father that will be the reason why their children will rebel or something but seeing him earlier made me feel bad for judging him. "How about you?" he returned the question to me.

"Seriously... I" I took a glance at the back to see if Alex is doing fine. "I don't know. I never see myself as a father. Heck I'm not even good with kids." In fact, kids hates me or dislikes me even without me doing anything. Maybe there's something about me that disdain them.

"How about getting married?" 

"Maybe. But at the later part of my life. I'm at the stage in my life where I need to focus more about myself now than thinking about what the future would look like. Not that I don't care about my future but I just have other important things to talk about, if you get what I mean."

"Yeah, I get you." he nodded. "You want to get married but you're not sure about having kids which is weird. If your partner wanted to have kids, what would you do then?"

"You know what, enough of this talk about the future and let me enjoy my youthfulness first." because seriously, I don't know how to answer them cause right now, the lack of savings in my bank account is making me asexual to save money.

"What's that suppose to mean? I'm old?" he asked as if I offended him. That's tricky. How should I answer that question.

"It's not like it's a bad thing to be old. Men age like fine wine so that's something I'm looking forward to. Maybe someday I'll have the charisma and improved looks that would attract women."

"So you're telling me that I'm a charismatic good-looking silver fox? Are you sure you don't have a crush on me?"

"Again, you're twisting my words. Your words. Not mine." but sure, he's a debonair billionaire who can sow his wild oats if he wants to.

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