« Where is she? » Joohyun wondered, looking around again to make sure she hadn't missed her. Yongsun sighed.

« She was in our room after filming. I tried to talk to her but she pushed me away and said that she needed some time alone and left. I haven't seen her since ». There was an extreme sadness in her eyes, Joohyun had noticed that the girl cared a lot about Byul. But it was different, unlike Minji's care for her girls or the gang's love and protectiveness as a whole or even unlike Hyejin and Wheein's relationship.

Was it close to her and Seulgi's? No, not really but it was the closest though.

« She's gonna be fine. She just needs some time »

« Yeah » she sighed « I can't believe we're doing this. I mean, I don't even know what to do myself. Sooyoung, well, she's a professional. She has practice and Byul...I guess she's just naturally good at it but the rest of us... »

Joohyun agreed with her, it's not like she had experience in this particular domain herself. The last time she had sex was so long ago plus it was a bad one. And on top of that, she never had lesbian sex. What was she supposed to do?

« We should get practice »

Practice? Like what? Joohyun thought. Anatomical lessons? Sex lessons? Watch porn like Seungwan and Yoobin? Have real sex?

« Practice? » she questioned.

« Yeah, like...maybe...with a partner or something, you know. To figure out what to do. We all agreed to it » she came closer to Joohyun, almost whispering « I know nothing is set in stones but a lot of the girls probably figured out with who they are gonna do it for their first appearance. Like, Wheein and Hyejin are next doors to us and trust me they're figuring it out »

Joohyun's cheeks started to burn once again, not at the mention of Wheein and Hyejin sexual adventures but at the mention of partners. She had a set of eyes in mind herself and the thought of doing this sort of things with her made her feel things.

« Do you have an idea for your partner? » she asked.

« No » Yongsun replied immediately.

Liar, Joohyun thought. She could see Yongsun adverting her gaze away and trying to focus on setting the table but Joohyun wasn't stupid.

« You? »

« Uh...no » she lied in return.

Just on cue, Seulgi walked in and Joohyun couldn't even look in her direction.

« Yeah...sure » Yongsun smirked, looking between her and Seulgi who was talking with Yoohyeon. Joohyun wanted to deny but she didn't know how. If she tried too hard Yongsun would be suspicious and if she didn't, well, it was just as suspicious. What would sound good enough without being too much? Before she had the time to find an answer, Yoohyeon joined them.

« It's posted »

« Really? »

« Yeah....We just have to wait and see I guess » Yoohyeon nodded.

Suddenly, it dwelled on Joohyun. They had posted it. Online for everyone to see. It was insane.

« Woah » Yongsun couldn't believe it and neither could she.

Yoohyeon helped them at the table.

« Yoohyeon, do you have an idea with who you're going to...do it? » Yongsun suddenly questioned. The girl blushed a bit and her eyes fell on Minji who was still playing cards.

« Minji and I talked about it, we want to be the first one among us to do it » Yongsun and Joohyun nodded in understanding. Minji was their leader so it was logical for her to set the example. « We just need to find something we're both comfortable with, you know? »

« So...do you...practice? » Joohyun dared to ask, exchanging a look with Yongsun.

Yoohyeon turned red « No, not really...I mean...It's a good idea though. Maybe we should. I should talk about it with Minji » and with that in mind, she left.

The dinner became more vivid, more animated. Everyone seemed to have relaxed a bit and went back to their usual selves.

« Do you think I'm a celebrity already? » Sooyoung wondered, playing the diva. Byul laughed heartily, shaking her head. When she had come to dinner, she had seemed to have made peace with what she had done. Which put a smile on Yongsun's face.

« I think Daddy is gonna be more famous than you » Hyejin teased, wiggling her eyebrows.

« Please, don't call me that » Byul said « It's weird »

« Daddy kink is a big one too » Yoobin stated, not even joking. Byul sighed, slamming her forehead on the table « Kill me now »

Joohyun laughed, her eyes caught Seulgi staring at her and her laughter died. Her eyes were so intense. There was something in them that Joohyun never saw and couldn't explain. Like a veil had been lifted and she could see deeper in them. Yet, it didn't make her uncomfortable.

« We should check it, right? See what people are saying? » Seungwan inquired nervously.

« No, let the night pass. We'll see tomorrow » Yoobin said.

The exchange broke Joohyun and Seulgi's eye contact and Joohyun felt suddenly hot.

What was happening to her?


Hey Guys!

Hope you enjoy this one too.

Some of you asked me where our little Yeri was. Just a little patience, she's coming soon ;)

Have a great day


Outcast Girls (Seulrene/Moonsun/Suayeon) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now