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So Alexander is back on his feet again. Catherine tells him that there is a man named King George (that is his real name but he is not a king) who owns a lot of ships. They steal from him and finally got a ship. They are back for revenge on Thomas Jefferson. It was not long after they find him and his crew. Another battle ensues but this time the pirates win. They finally got the treasure they wanted. They celebrated on a nearby island. John then promises Peggy he will marry her and Peggy says yes. They grab their share of the treasure and went to America and start a new life there. Eliza almost joins them but realizes that living a pirate will grant her the life of being an adventurer. She also wants to stay with Alex. Eliza bids farewell to Peggy and she runs to the dock before the ship left. A year later, Peggy is happy with her life with John. Her father died recently so his inheritance goes to Peggy. John proposes to her (finally) and she accepts. Somewhere in the ocean, Alexander and Eliza are living happily. They have a son and Eliza is pregnant with another child. Alexander asks Eliza where she wants to go to. She says London (Read prologue so you will get it). The end

(A/N: Hi guys, sorry if this summary took forever. School was just stressful and I was busy working on the new story I told you about. Anyways, thank you for reading and voting my story! See ya soon.
Love, A random writer)
publishers note: yes, this WILL be the last time i post on this, but my friend will be moving onto a new story. okay thanks for wasting your time with this note and ciao.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2019 ⏰

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