Chapter Ten.

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The pirates were miserable. They lost everything. No more than twenty were left because the others left. They are hoping that their Captain would wake up.

Peggy approached Lafayette. “I am sorry for what happened to Mulligan. He must’ve been very important to you” Peggy said. “He did mean something important to me. I have already killed the man who shot him. But I am still not satisfied” Lafayette said “I want some alone time. It is hard to recover from the death of my mon amour”. Peggy left him to his mourning.

She then approached John. He was sitting in the tree. He hasn’t recover from the lost. “John?” Peggy called. John looked at her then turned away. “John I am so sorry” Peggy apologised “I was selfish to think only of my opinion of that kiss instead of yours”. She sat beside John. “I always loved you Peggy and I forgive you. But I will respect your feelings and not just kiss you out of thin air” John replied. They embraced each other. They were happy they started talking again.

“Did you know I didn’t want to become a pirate?” John said “I always wanted to have a family and a life on land. But that never happened because I was a pirate”.
“I am sorry no one liked you John” Peggy said. They sat there in silence. Peggy had an idea. “If we ever find a way for me and Eliza to come home. Maybe you will come with us” Peggy said. “You really mean it?” John said excitedly. “Yes. Maybe you can make yourself a family”. “Thank you Peggy! Thank you so much” John said. He suddenly kissed her on the cheek. “Oh. I am sorry I kissed you on the cheek”. “It was fine. You were just excited” Peggy replied. They continue to sit there for almost the whole day. Taking in the beauty of the sea and each other’s company.


Eliza was sitting near Alexander. She was reading a book while waiting for Alexander to wake up. The dictor assigned her to watch over him. She felt sorry for him. He lost everything and was terribly wounded.

It wasn’t long before Alexander woke up. He looked around and saw Eliza. He had just remembered what had happened. “I lost everything. All I worked hard for” he said. “I’m sorry for what had happened to you” Eliza said sorrowfully. “I wanted to make my father proud. But I failed him”. “Alexander don’t you mention your father again. He was the one responsible for being so coldhearted. He was the reason because this happened. He was the reason your mother is dead. I know this sounds nonsense but if you connect the dots. It is all his fault” Eliza said.

“But he cared for me Eliza! He was the one who made me who I was meant to be! A pirate” Alexander spat. “But it was his fault your mother died. Had he not left you. Your mother would be here right now”. “I don’t love my mother anymore Eliza! She promised me that someone will love me! That person never came” Alexander said while lifting himself up a bit “for years. I needed someone. But no one came Eliza! No one came for me!”.

They sat there in awkward silence. Until Eliza sat beside him and asked “Did you fall in love with someone yet?”. “Well. There was this one woman. I used to love no one. Not even my own crew members. Even when she came. I still felt loveless. But she taught me how to be proper and I felt feelings for her. It was only that time I realized how beautiful she was. How strong she was. She wasn’t like another other woman. I am planning to tell her what I feel”Alexander said wholeheartedly. Eliza smiled “ I am glad you felt love. I hope she accepts you”. “I know she will. If not, then I have lost faith in love. I also know she is sitting down beside me”.

Eliza looked at him “Me?” She said. She was speechless at what he had said. “Yes. It was you” Alexander said “She is Elizabeth Schuyler. The most fiercest yet kindest woman I have ever known. She has turned a man with a cold heart into a heart burning with love”.

“I am glad you went back to your poetic self” Eliza joked. “So am I” Alexander said. With that, they kissed each other. Alexander felt the pain in his stomach went away. It felt like he was kissing an angel. Eliza melted into the kiss. After a few minutes, they pulled away. They both smiled at each other. They were both blushing. Alexander thought this was the perfect time to tell her. “Eliza I umm-“ “Yes?” “I lov-“. Suddenly Catherine walked in on the moment “Captain! I think we can find a brand new ship. Oh my!” Catherine said. A bit shocked at the moment the couple were having “I guess I will tell you later”. She exited the room.

“What were you saying again?” Eliza said. “I umm” “I?” “I love you! I love you Eliza” Alexander finally said. Eliza then returned it “I love you too”. They kissed again. Even though Alexander lost everything. As long as he has Eliza and his crew members. They can find a way. Besides, Catherine just said she thinks they can find a new ship.

(A/N: I know it is horrible. But I wanted to make this scene already because you might not see me for a very long time. Anyways, hope you vote this story. Comment on what you think but please keep comments as positive as possible. Love❤️, A random writer)
(person who's posting this: im obviously  confused whenever my friend sends these,  so if anything is out of order, apologies, school is killing our brains.)

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