Vikram : But what if she knows this plan before the marriage ?

Rohan : It's highly impossible man cause she trusts me blindly .... he said while laughing evilly

End of the Recording

So what do you want say about this recording Mr. Mehra ..... Rohan heard him say

Who are you & how did you record this ..... Rohan asked tensed voice

Do you really want to know who am I ? ...... Rohan heard him say

Yes ..... Rohan replied in tensed voice

Okay .... Saying this he switched on the lights & Rohan eyes were widened in shock

Vikram ..... this is the only name escaped his mouth

Why did you do this Vikram, I've trusted you the most & you betrayed me ...... Rohan yelled

No response

Answer me dammit, why did you kidnap me, why did you record our conversation ...... Rohan yelled again

No response

Rohan was about to say something but couldn't as he heard someone talking .......

So Mr. Mehra how are you feeling after tasting your own medicine ? ....... Rohan heard that man say

Medicine ? What are you talking about & who the hell are you ........ Rohan asked loudly

Yes medicine, "Betrayal" ...... Avni trusted you so much & you planned to betray her right, So how did it feel when ur friend Vikram betrayed you ..... Rohan heard him say

Look I don't who you're & what do you want from me, as of now just let me go my bride is waiting for me & we can discuss all these things later ....... Rohan said calmly

No that's not gonna happen I'll never all you to marry Avni ...... Rohan heard him say sternly

Who the hell are you to stop me from marrying her, if you're so concerned about her just come infront of me ........ Rohan yelled

I guess many of you guessed who is the man ..... yes it's our very own Neil Khanna ......

Neil ....... it came as a mere whisper from Rohan due to shock

Yes it's me, now tell me why did you do all these ...... he asked looking at Rohan with anger

Why do you think I'll tell you ....... Rohan asked while raising his eyebrows

You don't have any choice rather than spilling out the truth ...... Neil said in loud voice

Okay Neil calm down ...... will have a deal, I'll marry her & make her mine then later you can also have fun with her, I don't have any problem ...... Trust me Neil you won't regret that ...... so what say ...... Rohan asked looking at him

Neil was looking at him with anger, he just wanted to rip his head off ..... but he controlled himself coz he has to know the Rohan's real motive behind this plan ....... he came out of trance when he heard Rohan's voice

So Neil is the deal okay for you ....... Rohan asked while raising his eyebrows

That's it Neil couldn't control himself & ended up slapping Rohan not once but thrice, all this while he was looking at Neil with shocked expressions .....

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