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Hey guyss,

Here is the next chapter ......

Do read it & let me know how's it !!

Note: You might feel this is chapter is boring & am sorry for that in advance !


Continuation from previous chapter


Rohan was tied to a chair with all the ropes, he was trying very hard to get rid of that ropes but his bad luck it was no use. He was shouting for help but he couldn't find anyone. After sometime he heard footsteps, he was trying see his face but it was invisible due to darkness...... that is when he heard some voice ....

So how are you Mr. Rohan Mehra ?

Who are you, why did you kidnap me, what do you want ? ...... Rohan asked in a loud voice

Arey these many questions in a go, have some patience Mr. Mehra ....... Rohan heard him say

I don't have time listen to your stupid answers , just let me go. Today is my wedding day & my bride is waiting for me ...... Rohan said while struggling to open the ropes

Oh is it ? I didn't knew that you were so serious about this wedding ..... Rohan heard him say while chuckling

See Mister who ever you're I just don't give a damn, just untie these ropes & let me go ....... Rohan said in a loud voice

Unfortunately that's not possible Mr.Mehra ...... Rohan heard him say

Rohan was still struggling to untie the ropes but no use .... he was trying to see the man's face but no use ..... that is when he heard that man's voice

Mr. Mehra I've a surprise for you ..... Rohan heard him say

Rohan was about to say something but couldn't, as some recording started playing ...

Recording :

Guy : Rohan are you seriously in love with Avni Mehta ?

Rohan : Are you mad Vikram, Who said I love her ?

Vikram : What do you mean who said, whole college knows that you both are in love & if am not wrong you're the one who proposed her right ? then ...

Rohan : Oh common dude, how can I love a girl like Avni ... I mean look at her man she doesn't have a family, she doesn't have property then how can someone love her truly ? I'm just faking to be in love with her, that's it .....

Vikram : But why are you doing this ?

Rohan : I'm just doing all this to gain trust from her, I mean I want her to surrender herself to me completely for one night .... that's it, once it is done I'll leave her.

Vikram : But this is wrong dude, I mean ...... he couldn't continue further as he was interrupted by rohan

Rohan : Oh common bro, no one will get to know about this & even she doesn't have a family to support her in this, So just chill. Since the day I saw her in the college I so wanted to get her but that was not possible as she was very tough nut to crack. So I made this plan, but even after confessing she didn't allowed me to kiss her ....... then I proposed her for marriage & she agreed. Now I just have to wait for some more time & then she'll be mine .....

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