"Okay here goes. Lance, you are the most amazingly wonderful person I have ever met. You mean so much to the team, and you are so much more than you see yourself as. You are my sharpshooter, my light, and my first and probably last love. Lance, I have fallen in love with you, and I'm sorry I didn't get to say this before. I really never had the courage. And I know that you will hate me, and think less of me and be disgusted, but I thought I should be honest before I died-" Keith got cut off by Lance leaning down and kissing him, Keith's eyes shot wide but soon closing them as he melts into the kiss. Lance slides his tongue across Keith's bottom lip, Keith allows him to enter his mouth and Lance explores every crevice. Keith doesn't fight him, he lets him take over as the make-out session goes on.

Red made it to the castle, her landing wasn't too pretty she didn't slow down. The harsh thud of the landing pulled apart Keith and Lance. Keith took a sharp intake of breath, and his face contorted in pain. Lance knew Red had taken them back to the castle. He picked Keith up with ease, and Kieth didn't really fight him, he curled into Lance, as if it was the most comfortable thing ever. He rushed out of the lion's bay into the hanger where he was met with Allura she began asking a million questions. None of which about Keith's condition.

"Did you get the metal I sent you for? Where is Pidge with the other samples? Did you even get what I asked for? Lance are you listening to me?!" Allura rambled on, and every word just irritated him more and more tell he snapped.

"Allura could you shut your quiznaking mouth! Yes, for god's sake yes we got your godforsaken metal, but I don't care about you, the castle, or the metal. All I care about 'princess' is getting Keith to the medical bay, so say one more word, and I will throw you out the cargo hold." Lance snapped back. Venom running from his tongue. As he continued walking to the medical bay. Keith smiled slightly and moved even closer to Lance. As Lance was walking down the corridor, Hunk and Shiro saw them and came running asking what happened, Lance just walked past, Shiro and Hunk were shocked, as he continued walked he heard the other two lions make it to the lions hanger, Shiro and Hunk went to see if Pidge was okay and to ask what happened. Lance continued on his way when Keith spoke.

"Lance." Lance then looked down at Keith with a sad smile. Keith only leaned up and kissed him, Lance kissed back. As they pulled apart Keith fell back, and his breathing became more and more shallow. Lance ran the rest of the way. Lance got to the med-bay in no time, where he found Coran who quickly and without question helped Lance get him into the pod. After Keith was in and healing, Lance placed his hand on the pod. The rest of the team joined them. Pidge had filled them in and Hunk and Shiro looked at him sympathetically. Hunk offered to make in food, but Lance just said he wasn't hungry. After some time of silence, Hunk left to the kitchen, Pidge left to the lion hanger. Shiro stayed for a few minutes, he went to Lance and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"He loves you," Shiro spoke.

"I know..." Lance said as a few tears fell from his eyes. Shiro smiled at him.

"He will make it," Shiro said in an optimistic tone.

"How do you know?" Lance said the sadness in his voice showing through.

"Because he is a fighter, and he will do anything to see you again." Shiro looked to Lance he saw the genuine smile.

"Thank you, Shiro," Lance said as he looks to Shiro.

"Of course." With that Shiro left, and Lance was alone with Keith and Coran. Coran made sure that everything was working properly soon after he left. Lance stayed, he never left. Hunk would bring him food, he didn't eat much. Lance had to force himself to eat to have strength for when Keith came out. It had been five days. Hunk brought him lunch, and Lance thanked him with a weak smile. Hunk usually left but today he sat next to Lance as he ate, he ate most of the food.

"It was delicious Hunk," Lance said genuinely. They sat there for a few hours when the healing pod beeped a few times. They called the team and Coran in the room, and soon the pod opened and Keith fell out. Lance caught him and picked him up. Keith reacted by wrapping his legs around his hips. He smiled down at Lance, who smiled back. Lance them kissed him passionately. Causing Keith to gasps giving Lance the opportunity to slide his tongue in his mouth, causing Keith to give a soft moan, Lance was the only to hear. Keith closed his eyes and kissed back with just as much passion. They only pulled away from the kiss when oxygen was required. It surprised the team at first. Shiro smiled at the two, Pidge and Hunk freaked out, and whisper about the 'ship.' Coran was a supportive uncle. And Allura stood shocked, not really knowing what to do or feel. Keith and Lance pulled away with the biggest smiles on their face. Keith just wrapped his arms around Lance's neck and hugs him tight. The smile is just as bright. Shiro is so happy that is little brother is happy. Lance smiles even wider as he feels Keith bury's his face into his neck and feels him place tiny light kisses on his neck and collarbone. He feels Keith's smile. After a few minutes. Once Pidge and Hunk are done ranting to each other. Pidge coughs. Getting both their attentions, Keith turns his head towards them as Lance faces them.

"We are here to see Keith too," Shiro says. Lance lets Keith down, Keith gives him a sad look, then Keith turns back to Shiro.

"How long was I out?" Keith asked Shiro.

"Five days," Shiro answered nonchalantly. Keith nods with understanding. He looks to Hunk.

"Did Lance eat while I was in the pod?" Keith says with slight worry in his voice.

"He did. I only needed to force him twice which is good considering." Hunk said with a happy smile and a soft laugh. Keith smiled back.

"Thank you Hunk your great. Pidge Is Red okay?" Keith said to Pidge.

"Yeah. I think she was worried about you though," Pidge said as she rubbed the back of her neck.

"Pidge thank you for taking care of my lion. I will go see her soon." Keith said genuinely sincere. Pidge smiled at the thanks.

"Coran I would also like to thank you for helping Lance get me in the pod, and working the tech," Keith said smiling to Coran.

Kieth then walked back to where Lance was standing. Intertwining their hands. He pulled him towards the door, and everyone else followed. They went to the kitchen,

"Keith what would you like to eat?" Hunk asked as he got to the kitchen.

"Surprise me. If you make it I know that it will be good" Keith stated. Hunk smiled at the trust and complement.

"You got it, Keith." Hunk smile and got to work. Kieth and Lance sat together, and the others sat at different spots at the table. They made mild conversation. Keith leaned on Lance's shoulder, and Lance smiled and put his head on his. Soon Hunk was done cooking and brought out some food. It smelled amazing. Keith was happy, Hunk put the food on the table, and then sat down himself, everyone began to eat. And as Keith said before it was truly delicious. Everyone was smiling. The food was soon gone, and everyone went to their areas. Lance and Keith went to Lance's room, once their Lance sat on the bed, and Keith sat next to him.

"I never got the opportunity to tell you how I feel," Lance said with a serious tone. Keith's heart began to beat fast. He thought it was loud enough that Lance could hear.

"Keith you are my inspiration, my love, and my reason. I love you so much. I want to make you smile for the rest of my days. I want to feel your lips on mine every minute. I want to see the light that shines in your eyes when you're passionate about something. I want to be yours and you to be mine. I want to hold your hand, kiss your lips, and hold you close to me. What I'm trying to say is that I love everything about you, and I want to be your boyfriend." Lance's voice was shaky but you could hear the love and passion shining through the cracks. Keith had tears in his eyes as he smiled brightly at Lance. Lance looked to Keith and saw tears and was about to say something when he was tackled to the bed.

"Of course I want to be your boyfriend Lance. I love you so much." Keith said as he squeezed Lance even tighter. Lance hugged back and laid comfortably, they cuddled there for a while. Lance soon began to play with Keith's hair lulling him to sleep, slowly falling to sleep himself, holding Keith in his arms. The two of them had the best sleep that they have ever had in their lives, being in the arms of the person they love the most. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2020 ⏰

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