Start from the beginning

"What the hell happened?" Finn suddenly burst into the room.

"My dad's in the hospital." Kurt answered weakly.

"I know. My mom just called me. I feel like I'm the last one to know." Finn expressed angrily.

"I'm sorry, Finn. It didn't occur to me to call you, because he's not your father." Kurt snapped.

"Yeah, well, he's the closest I'm ever going to get, okay?" Finn yelled before lowering his voice, "I know it may not look like what everybody else has but I thought we were sort of a family. Look, I guess I just — I didn't like overhearing other people talking about it in gym class."

After that, Kurt hesitantly moved his bag from the empty seat beside him, letting Finn take a seat.

Mr. Schuester walked in after everybody got settled down, "Hey, guys. Our thoughts are all with Kurt and I know it's sort of hard to really focus on anything else—"

"Mr. Schue?" Mercedes called.


"I've been struggling, trying to figure out what I wanted to say to Kurt all day and I realize I don't want to say it, I want to sing it." Mercedes went to the front of the room when Mr. Schuester motioned for her to come forward.

"This song is about being in a very dark place and turning to God. It's a spiritual song, Mr. Schue. Is that okay?"

"It's fine."

"Tina, Quinn, can you help me out, please?" Mercedes asked before beginning the song.

As Mercedes sang I Look to You, Aria held tightly onto Kurt's hand, squeezing it for assurance occasionally.

"Thank you, Mercedes. Your voice is stunning," Kurt complimented, "But I don't believe in God."

"Wait, what?" Tina frowned.

"You've all professed your beliefs. I'm just stating mine." Kurt replied, "I think God is kind of like Santa Claus for adults. Otherwise, God's kind of a jerk, isn't he? I mean, he makes me gay, and then has his followers going around telling me it's something that I chose as if someone would choose to be mocked every single day of their life. And right now I don't want a heavenly father. I want my real one back."

"But Kurt, how do you know for sure? I mean, you can't prove that there's no God." Mercedes asked, and Aria silently wished people would stop pushing Kurt to talk about this, he had enough on his mind already.

"You can't prove that there isn't a magic teapot floating around on the dark side of the moon with a dwarf inside of it that reads romance novels and shoots lightning out of its boobs but it seems pretty unlikely, doesn't it?"

"Is God an evil dwarf?" Brittany questioned innocently.

"We shouldn't be talking like this. It's not right." Quinn exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, Quinn. But you all can believe whatever you want to." Kurt spoke up once more, "But I can't believe something I don't. I appreciate your thoughts but I don't want your prayers."

That being said, Kurt grabbed his bag and walked out of the room, just as the bell rang. Aria contemplated running after him, but she decided to let the boy have his space.


"I'M A HORRIBLE PERSON." Finn said to Aria.

"Well, considering you almost ripped my arm off dragging me to the choir room, yes, you are."

"I'm serious." Finn told her, and indeed, he did sound serious.

"Okay, what's wrong? I mean, you just became quarterback again, shouldn't you be celebrating?"

"No! I'm a horrible person because of how I became quarterback again."

"Huh?" Aria raised a brow.

"I asked Grilled Cheesus to make me quarterback again, and then Sam got injured, and now, his arm is gonna fall off because of me."

"Wait, wait, Grilled Cheesus?" Aria asked, "Is that a code guys use or something?"

"No, he's the reason we won our first game, the reason I got to touch Rachel's boobs, and the reason Sam got crushed by a giant." Finn said, "I'm telling you, Jesus is in my grilled cheese and he's granting me these wish-things."

"Um, okay. I'm telling you this because I'm your friend. You're crazy."


"Jesus is not in your grilled cheese, Finn. You should've thrown that thing out long ago."

"You don't think he's in my sandwich?"

"I think that you're part of a team who's amazing at football, that Rachel is comfortable enough around you to let you...do that, and I think Sam just didn't see that weirdly large dude charging at him. Once again, you're crazy."

"Maybe I am." Finn frowned.

"Did you really ask a grilled cheese sandwich to let you go to second base your girlfriend?"



this is honestly just a filler, so it's pretty short. more excited for the next chapters because they're much more eventful than the first few.

i'm almost finished with the next chapter, so it should be out soon ( though i'm not sure how soon because i have my exams this week [ the same ones i should be studying for right now, whoops ] but they'll be out earlier than i usually update ).

A GIRL LIKE YOU. sam evansWhere stories live. Discover now