[ System Store

- Skills -

- Items -

- Boons - ]

She chose Items first as something healing was what she was looking for. She ended up skimming through the many subtabs. Storage, Food, Weapons, Clothing, Accessories... Why was there a specific tab for Drugs? Brooke eventually found the Medicine tab and started to browse. Maybe she'd check out the Clothing tab later since she didn't know if there was anything for her to wear.

[ -Medicine-

Pain Relievers (F) (D) (C) (B) (A) (S) 10 to 1,000 Points - Pain relievers for various ailments from period cramps to gunshots wounds to the gut from a machine gun. F-Rank only relives 10% of the pain while S-Rank relives 100% of the pain.

Full Restore (S) 10,000 Points - Restores the body to an even better state than it was originally. It makes muscles stronger, boosts stamina, and can boost regeneration skills.

Healing Cream 100 Points - A simple cream that heals all types of wounds from paper cuts and bruises to a stab wound or two. It does not heal the insides, do not consume. Makes skin softer after use. ]

There were tons of other things like Bone Resetters, Detoxifiers, herbs, but Brooke wasn't looking for any of those things. "Jules, how many points do I have?"

[ At the moment you possess 1,000 points due to passing multiple Secret Tasks. Main Task points are rewarded at the end of the mission, each task rewarding 10,000 points for 30,000 total should they all be passed along with 5,000 bonus points for being a completionist. The amount of points for Main Tasks raises as the world difficulty increases. ]

Brooke let out a low whistle. Points stacked up quickly with missions. She'd be able to buy a lot of stuff after this mission, hopefully.

"Nice. I'll be buying the Healing Cream then."

[ Great choice, Host. Purchasing in progress, please wait. ]

Within a minute, something bonked Annabell on the head and she couldn't help but cry out. She rubbed the place of impact and looked around to see a medium-sized container on her bed, presumably the Healing Cream.

[ Sorry, Host. I was aiming for your hand. ]

"... At least you apologized."

Annabell picked up the container and turned it in her hands for a little before unscrewing the top to reveal the cream inside. She took a sniff and was surprised to smell roses. It was a light smell but it was there. The black-haired girl carefully put a little of the cream on her fingertip and rubbed it against her lips.

After putting it on, Annabell went to her vanity and looked at her reflection with wide eyes. Her lips were no longer bruised, not even a bit of leftover redness from the kiss. They actually looked plusher, having reverted to their original light pink color. This stuff was the real deal.

Returning the top to the container and putting it within a drawer of the vanity, Annabell began to fully think about her situation. Today was Friday, making her date with Jason tomorrow. "Jules, show me my tasks."

[ 1. Become popular and befriend at least ten people. ✔

2. Get the ML to ask you out. You cannot ask him in any way. ✔

3. Make the entire school hate the protagonist. Any method is valid.

Secret Tasks

- Join a club ✔
- Become a staff favorite ✔
- Kiss the ML ✔
- Assert dominance over the FL ✔]

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