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Five-year time skip- they are now 16 and James is 30

Fletcher let out a frustrated growl as Sylva knocked him down and placed her sword at his throat. Despite his best efforts she still beat him in seven of their nine duels that day. He knew that she had superior strength and speed as an elf but it was still frustrating.

Sylva let out a laugh and said in a merry voice

" Oh come on Fletcher. You're still better than most other humans when it comes to the sword, not to mention you are a level thirty-seven summoner, and that was over a year ago while I am only at level eleven. And you have an Ifrit. That's a very rare and powerful demon."

Fletcher nodded and said

" I suppose. But if I'm fighting on the front and my demons are out of mana then I need to be able to rely on my sword skills for a long time." Before the two of them could continue their argument a messenger arrived telling them to go to the Great Oak.

The two exchanged a look, knowing what this was about. They quickly made their way up to their home and into the main room. Sitting there was James as well as Sylva's parents. Fletcher and Sylva walked over to the two remaining chairs and sat down.

The chieftainess began to speak as soon as they entered

" As you two know it is time for you to head to Vocans academy in Hominum( The human empire) and we have some parting gifts before you go." She laid out a pair of knives, a falx, and a shield, each of which had charging crystals in them.

She smiled at their expressions before continuing to speak

" Sylva the knives and the falx are for you. Each is imbued with charging stones so that you may easily access that mana in battle and also have significantly more in reserve than with just your one stone. Fletcher the same goes for you with the shield but we also have a sword being made by a dwarf in Corcillum that you can pick up when you pass through there on your way to Vocans. The dwarves name is Uhtred Thorsager, and don't worry about finding him. Any dwarf will be able to tell you where he is as he was the dwarf who created guns."

After she had finished speaking her father stepped forward and said

" Remember Sylva, your goal is to befriend the nobles, and try to make an alliance. We need their support to end this fake war of ours and be able to concentrate on the orcs." Fletcher adopted a mock offended look and said

" And what am I, chopped liver. Last I checked I am also a noble." The elder male smirked and said

" Well yeah but you know what I meant. Nobles with lots of land and influence among the rest. People who actually live on the empire." At these words, both parents moved to embrace the two of them and then they were off.

After several hours of walking, they arrived in the village known as Pelt. they walked through the gate and saw that it was market day. Standing on a podium with quite a crowd around him was what looked like a soldier, perhaps fifty years of age animatedly waving a book in the air. With a start, Fletcher noticed the summoning leather on the front of it and realized it was a summoners book.

He moved through the crowd and called out

" I'll take it for twelve shillings." The soldier looked him up and down before motioning to a spoiled looking boy around Fletcher's age and said

" Well he offered me four shillings but your deal sounds much better." The soldier and Fletcher exchanged the money and the book and then walked off in separate directions.

Fletcher realized that Sylva was no longer by his side and saw her talking to an enormous man at a stall selling weaponry. He walked over in time to see her purchase a stiletto in a case that looked like it was very likely a goat's horn.

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