Chapter 21

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It was later the afternoon around four-thirty.
Maya was just busy with some Math when Josh came in the apartment.

"Hey Gorgeous," Josh said and gave Maya a kiss.
"We need to talk Joshua," Maya said and Josh sat down.
"What's going on?" Josh asked.
"What are we? And I don't mean with what everyone is saying I am from you. What am I really besides the mother of your unborn child?" Maya asked.
"The girl I've loved for years?" Josh asked.
"And I love you too. But I want to know what we are. What am I suppose to tell people when they ask? And a lot has," Maya said.
"You know if it was up to me we wouldn't have struggled like this. But it's more complicated than two teenagers not knowing how they feel," Josh said.
"Yeah. With us you throw a baby into the mix."
"Yeah and that is what makes it difficult. But I don't think you have to worry too much," Josh said.
"Josh I'm seventeen and pregnant. I'll say I have enough reason to be worried," Maya said.
"Okay. I'll tell you what. Let's try then. It's not like any of us are being forced. We'll see how it goes and if it works out we'll go from there," Josh said.
"Okay," Maya said.

Too Young (Sequel to Bad time) Where stories live. Discover now