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Sorry for the short chapter

Cheryls POV:
"NO PLEASE LET ME GO PLEASE" I sobbed while she carried me back to the Basement. I just want to go home. I want to go on that date with Veronica not trapped in a basement by someone who i thought was my friend.

"Im disappointed in you Cheryl. I thought you were actual starting to corroborate." She says sadly. She looks up at me once she put me on the bed and sighed.

"Im going back to bed, get some sleep. Also you wont be getting breakfast after what you just pulled." She walkes back up the stairs and slames the door making me flinch. As soon as she left i started sobbing again while a bunch of questions ran through my mind. Why me? Is anyone ever going to find me? Was she ever really my friend? I feel alseep with those questions running through my head.

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