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The sickness didn't stop. I got sick the next morning before school so dad called the doctor and brought me in.

Thankfully, Ava met us there to keep me company while we waited.

I rested my leg on the coffee table in front of me, pushing a magazine onto the floor. The old woman across from me in a dark blue dress glared at me, her eyes flickering to Ava for a second.

The wait was long and gave me too much time to think. What if I was sick? What if I was dying? I'd already had one brush with death. Was this my second one?

The nurse gave me a gown and told me to wait for the doctor. Ava came into the room with me, shutting the door behind me.

"You know we're going to keep an eye on your medicine, right?" She sat in the chair in the far corner, her legs pulled under her. She had her camera with her, the strap wrapped around her neck.

I nodded and pulled my shirt over my head. "I figured you would. Dad already has my pain medicine locked up somewhere."

She looked at me from the side of her eye but said nothing.

My eyes met my reflection in the mirror and I bit my lip. All of those milkshakes were starting to make me fat. I could see my stomach getting big and my legs weren't fairing too well either. There were stretch marks on my hips, sticking out against my tan skin.

I finished putting on the gown and waited for the doctor to come back in. Once I explained my 'symptoms,' he did a physical on me, making sure I was growing as I should be.

"How's your knee?" He asked, tapping my good knee with that tool doctor's always used.

"Better. It isn't as shaky as it used to be."

He nodded and got to his feet. "I'm going to have you take a blood test and we'll see if anything shows up there. Everything else seems to be fine."

I winked at Ava. I'd told her and everyone else that I was fine but no one believed me.

I got dressed in my clothes once more. Ava, again, went with me to get my blood drawn and we waited for the results to be processed.

"I hope they don't tell you you're allergic to chocolate milkshakes." Ava mumbled, flipping through the pictures on her camera. "My dad would be crushed."

"Me too."

"Lydia?" The nurse called, glancing in our direction.

I nodded and got to my feet. "Yes?"

"The doctor will see you know."

My eyebrows rose but I followed her back into an office type room. The doctor sat on one side of the desk and on the other were two chairs for Ava and I.

I sat down and my hands started to shake. What was he going to tell me?

"Lydia, we used your blood test to examine quite a few things. You don't have strep or anything of that nature."

"Okay." I wasn't sick. But what was it?

"However..." He cleared his throat. "We would like to run an ultrasound."

I felt like I was going to throw up. An ultrasound. Those were serious. Those meant something was wrong inside of me. Like really wrong.

"What does that mean?" Ava asked, filling the silence.

"It means that there's a possibility you are pregnant, Lydia."

I looked over at Ava and her eyebrows were scrunched together. I felt the same kind of confusion. "But... I can't be pregnant."

"You haven't had sex within the past couple of weeks?"

I shook my head. "I've been with Ava that whole time. Unless there's some new way to get pregnant..."

He got to his feet. "We'll do the ultrasound just to be sure there isn't anything else wrong. It's possible the test was a false positive. I've seen it before."

Ava squeezed my hand as we were leaving. "I'll go get your dad and Larry."

I nodded and watched her go, still afraid something was going on.

I never had to go through an ultrasound until then and it was weird. Really, really weird. The jelly that was put on my stomach was cold and felt like jello. The gun looking thing the doctor held in her hand didn't make my nervousness go away either.

I watched the screen with the doctor, waiting for something to pop up. After a few seconds, the screen brightened and showed black and white lines. Something was definitely inside of me.

"Am I... pregnant?" I asked, my chest rising and falling with nervous breaths.

The nurse moved the gun thing and the image grew clearer. "Yes. You are around 12 weeks."

She printed out a picture of the baby inside of me and handed it to me. She wiped the jelly off my stomach before shutting down the monitor and putting her equipment away.

I stared at the picture, trying to figure out how I could've gotten pregnant.

Ava and I couldn't have kids. I knew that. She knew that. She probably thought I cheated on her. Especially since we were broken up for a while.

I wiped my eyes, riding them of tears, and tried my best not to break down completely.

Ava walked into the room and her face grew worried. "What's wrong? What did they tell you?"

I handed her the picture and drew my good leg to my chest, resting my wet cheek on my knee.

"You're pregnant? How?"

I shrugged. "I don't... I don't know. I didn't think... we could have kids."

She sat down beside me and wrapped her arms around me. "Why are you crying?"

"Aren't you mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad?"

"You don't think I cheated on you? Like while we were broken up?"

She tilted my face up and kissed me. "No, I don't. I'd never think that. I know you wouldn't do that. Not after what Larry told me about those few weeks. Lydia, do you think... you and Jason could have..."

"But he's dead, Ava."

"Before you met me, do you think it could have happened then?"

My eyes widened. "Oh my gosh. The baby... What if it's screwed up or something? I didn't stop with the drugs until after I met you."

She wiped my tears away. "I'm not sure. I think we'll have to wait until you're further along to see."

I hid my face in her chest and hugged her tightly. "You really aren't mad at me?"

She laughed. "Do you want me to be?"

"Well, no-"

"Then I'm not mad. And I'm never going to be mad. Lydia, I like kids. And this one will be ours."

"Even if it's not..."

"How could it be both of ours?" She laughed. "Lesbians can't have babies together. Not biologically."

I brought her lips to mine and kissed her almost as hard as I could.

She took my hand and threaded our fingers together. "Let's go tell your dad and Larry."

Toxic 2: LethalWhere stories live. Discover now