Part Five: Old Habits are Hard to Break (Or 4 Weddings and a Funeral ^_^;)

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Arslan sat at the head of a long table. It was a small room, but it was a war room. He had assembled all his officials from Daryun, Narsas, Rezzana to Pharangese. Even Alfurido and Elam were there but no one knew who let them in. Giv, having a hard time breathing, was still out of commission.

King Arslan hardly heard the discussion around him. His determined face was set in stone. Yôou could see each line that hate had formed on his handsome young face. His only thoughts were of bringing Queen Kishara back to him and what method he would use to kill Silvermask if that was no longer possible.

"I suggest we keep this small." Narsas paced back and forth behind the king's chair, because Arslan was too angry to move. "Even though our thoughts are clouded by this obvious loss we should not put at risk our whole force. She is, after all, only one person." He turned in pacing to see Rezzana standing in his way. She glared at him and he looked her in the eye. Daryun also stood, backing up Rezzana's opinion.

"I agree with, Narsas." Elam spouted folding his arms.

"You would." Alfurido whispered. They made faces at each other and were silent.

Narsas watched as the king rose and stared at him with a strange look of oncoming insanity that could only be caused by long term stress.

"Lord Narsas," the king said slowly. He walked around his seat and keeping one hand on the top, he continued. "I would send a million armies after her if I knew it would bring her back. I don't care to hear your usual speech about economics and logic. Logic has lost all meaning to me. I am prepared to do something to my loving cousin that the Lusitanian General himself would disapprove of, if Queen Kishara is not returned safely." Arslan stopped, taken aback by his sudden release of powerful words.

Everyone gulped, paling at the comment about things Lusitanians wouldn't do. Rezzana began to emit a low growl, as Narsas began to back away.

"What am I going to do!" Arslan moaned and fell back into his seat. Rezzana patted his shoulder keeping a eye on Narsas. Ì

"Don't worry, my King, Daryun and I are ready for what ever you command. We will bring her back!" Rezzana turned, and smiled at the standing general. He smiled back at her. She melted inside, but only released some of her feelings in a flirtatious grin, which Narsas noticed.

"Somewhere, deep down inside, I knew that forcing the king to marry was a bad idea! Yet, I still take full responsibility, even though the country's on the brink of collapse and two strange, forceful womyn, with practically no reserve, have wooed the king, and my best friend, away from me and my advice!" Narsas threw his hands in the air.

"The farther away the better!" Rezzana grinned and moved closer to Daryun. Daryun smirked at Narsas, whose cool exterior, (that was usually well in place) was about to crack. Narsas lowered his voice and eyes.

"If there's some law, some where, in some land, that will help me rid myself of you, I will find and apply it, damn it!" Narsas growled.

"Nope. You're stuck with us"!" Rezzana fingered Daryun's cape with her good hand and moved behind him.

"She's got you there, Narsas. They are kind of a package. I'm not going to fight it. And, it has brought out some interesting qualities that I, personally, have never noticed in you before." Daryun looked at Rezzana, who still grinning coolly at Narsas.

"I would run out of the room right now and accompany my departure with a frustrated scream, but I'm not one inclined to such behavior." He put on the relaxed angry face again and reclaimed his calm.

"Why not? It's so comedic." Rezzana's grin got bigger. Narsas just glared.

"Shut up," he said dryly, knowing he lost that battle.

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