Part Four: How to Mend Soul

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Kishara ran out into the garden. The icy winds of approaching winter bit through her. She stumbled, but caught herself. She was so afraid for her life, and everyone she had put in danger by coming here. She stood in the moon shadow of the statue of Ashii.

"Great Goddess." She whispered. "I do not follow you, you who know all, but please tell me why I must be tortured in this way. Why has he followed me here..."

"KISHARA!" Arslan's voice rang out. She turned and stared him down.

"Why did you follow me?" She demanded.

"I need to know what you know, please. Tell me!" Arslan begged her. She was to emotional now to do anything rational.

"Oh dear king didn't I tell you...I'm working for Silvermask in an attempt on your life. " Kishara drew her sword. Arslan's eyes went wide. Then she rested the sword across her neck. "Or maybe not."

"Kishara! No, I won't believe it! Don't!" Arslan drew his blade at his side for safety.

"You really can't take a joke can you, Arslan." She pointed the sword at his head from across the garden.

"What?!" Arslan shook his head. "Tell me the truth! Stop playing games with me and my court. Why did you come to me?"

Kishara laughed a little and lowered the sword. Arslan repeated the action and stared at her. "Why should I tell you why I came if you already know!"

"What do you mean 'I already know'?" Arslan squinted. Kishara's face was pure anger.

"You were using my exact words. Don't play me for a fool, it's not healthy!" Arslan realized that his kind sentiments before had only revealed his accidental hearing of Kishara's love of him.

"So maybe I know everything about you. That should only prove to make our relationship stronger." Arslan confessed. "I know how much you love me and I only wanted to prove myself to be everything you wan..."

"Yofiu think you know me, HA! All you think is that my life is built around you and and that is far from the truth. I think finding out my secret only proved to boost your ego!"

Arslan laughed, "Maybe, but I need to know this information now, because I have a room full of beautiful womyn waiting for me."

Kishara let out a screech and lunged at Arslan full force with her sword. He threw his up in time to catch it and push back. She was strong though; stronger than he had anticipated. She maneuvered her weapon, like she done thousands of times before, and lifted his out of his hands and across the garden in less than a minute.

They both breathed heavily as Kishara held the blade between their faces. She rammed it down into the dirt between his legs, and put her face closer to his frozen one. His sword clanged on the stone path aways off.

"I'm sorry," She whispered, "Was that yours?" She tried to control her anger and her breathing, but she was wound too tightly.

Arslan pushed up and kissed her on the lips and brought his hands to the back of her neck. He knew that was a stupid thing to say, but he needed to know why Silvermask wanted her...To save her. Kishara went into shock. Arslan's kiss was so perfect. It was more than she had ever dreamed about. Her eyes were open wide then closed to shed a few stressful tears.

She began to cry harder as Arslan released her. She couldn't speak and she couldn't look at him. She was so weak. His eyes just seemed to0 look into her. He took her into his arms. He tried to calm her. She ripped from him and they stood apart and he handed her the sword from the ground. She took it, sheathed it, shivered once and ran.

The Heroic Legend of Arslan: The Worth of One's CrownTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang