Chapter 1

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"Hey mom, me and some of my friends are going to downtown for the CNE today Caleb scored tickets for all of us soooo I'll be missing dinner that okay?"

"Yeh hun be back before 1 or 1:30 latest and if there's too much traffic give me a call and I'll forgive u" she said with a laugh.

"Yeh" I grab my bag when I hear a honk outside, giving my mother a kiss on the cheek I tell her "luv u mom, bye." I lock the door on my way out so she doesn't have to bother getting out of her study.


"Yeh just scream louder wake my brother and the whole neighbourhood up and you know if he wakes up I'll never get to go."

"Ugh why does ur brother have to be so overprotective it's not like we're kidnapping you" my other best friend Caleb says while moving over to give me space in the back.

"Whatever man just one more stop and we are free FOREVER.... OH turn this song up" Kayla's boyfriend Mike says.

Yeh he's a weirdo, so as Kayla said very loudly might I add I'm Eira Winter King it's kinda weird name if you ask me Eira means snow and then my middle names winter like what were my parents thinking snow winter??

Meh whatever so what was I saying in this inner monologue of mine....

oh yeh soooo let me introduce my bestfriends Kayla the kinda airhead who is dating Mike he seems kinda gay at first but he's not he'a just a diva. Then there's Caleb he's the gay and I love him well not love love him just best friend love him. He has a boyfriend who hasn't come out yet and has a lil conservative parents soooo you know.

I'm the 'badass' one I guess I keep everyone in line with their dumbness. I snap out of my thoughts as the door beside me opens.

I guess we have arrived at a girl I've met like twice house idek why we invited her she's nice I guess, but there's something off about her what's her name ahhh..Maia I think. Man how did I end up sitting in the middle.

"thanks for inviting me guys, my mom was bugging me about having a talk about not having any friends here since I'm new"

"Ah yeah no probs you seem chill so we thought you would be a good addition" Kayla replied for the rest of us

"Where did u say u we're from again" I ask.

"Japan, Tokyo more like it. My mom got a great job offer in Toronto so we made the move." She answers

"That's great" I say

The rest of the ride was filled with chatter and music and the rest of the night was spent playing carnival games and having loads of fun and maybe a tad bit of drinks. Omg also might I add I was flirting with this really cute guy like he was perfection, so gorgeous I got his number hehe. And when I was I looked at the time I freaked it was 1:10am. And my brother is gonna snitch to my dad. Oopsssss.

I quickly call my mom and tell her we're stuck in traffic and that we can barely get out of the city. Thank god I have the coolest mom ever. But my dad that's a different story.

"Omg I'm gonna be over curfew we gotta go like now." We squeeze back into the car and once again I'm in the middle but beside the two girls since Kayla was a little drunk.

"Omgggg Madison beer I legit love her sooo much!" Drunk Kayla leans over me to get to the volume scrolly thing on the radio and turns it up.

Caleb get distracted for a second while turning the volume down

"CALEB LOOK OUT" Mike screams

He hits the breaks and I fly out the windshield.

Feeling sudden pain I lay there in the car struggling to breath I hear screams and sirens surrounding me I can see Maia coming towards me with a deadly smile on her face but Kayla pushes in-front of her and starts saying something about seat belts and that it's all her fault. she's hysterical, her voice slowly becoming drowned with a loud sharp noise drilling into my head I feel close to losing consciousness i see all my friends faces one last time and my eyes close.

I try to concentrate on staying awake. Forcing my ears to listen, for my eyes to open. But I just can't.

It all goes blank.

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